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The high luna climbed the marble steps and strode to the gilded double doors of the banquet hall. The soldier guarding on either sides saluted as the queen passed, followed by his royal attendants.

His way was lit by white paper lanterns strung down the high ceilings and the soothing smell of aromatic candles and flowers. The hall was a vibrant swirl of color and energy. The whole castle was adorned and lit in golden hues and exotic flowers.

Every guests present in the hall hunched into low bows, greeting the queen with praises and wishes of his blessed day and well-being.

The high luna acknowledged them with smile and nod. His red gown was thick with gold embroidery and gems that shimmered in the lamplight.

The sweet notes of flute was flowing in the air as he headed towards his parents. His mother happily greeted him with a tight hug and wished him well for the night.

"Where's jungkook?" He directed the question to his father as lately jungkook usually spends more time with him.

The imperial alpha took a step forward and fondly adjusted the gold crown sitting on his son's head. "He had gone out with his friends. Didn't he tell you?"

Disappointment stroked him, "No, we couldn't talk much"

It was very embarrassing. Greeting his excited alpha in a drunk kiss. Jungkook must've wished for something better and romantic with him, but he instead got to see him all tipsy. The alpha even had to insist him to sleep which he did for hours because of which he hadn't seen jungkook since he woke up sober.

"Because you were drunk?" His father raised a brow.

"I'm sorry, appa" Taehyung sighed. Of course, high lord xumaire wouldn't let it pass.

"It's alright, i too drink quite a lot when i miss your mother" The imperial alpha winked playfully.

Taehyung laughed when his mother scoffed with blushed cheeks.

"I didn't drink because i missed him" He lied in embarrassment.

"Sure thing" His parents said unanimously.

"I'll go find my mate" He excused himself from further teasing.

He was occasionally stopped by ministers and chiefs as his arrival had initiated a flurry of formal introductions and military reports that took a hour or more.

Standing in the middle of a bunch of ministers, taehyung caught the glimpse of Kinra---counts on jungkook's friends.

He hurriedly excused himself and moved closer to the witch. As soon as kinra realised his attention, she lowered for a bow and greeted him respectfully.

"Kinra" He called.

Kinra rose from her bowing posture, "Yes, your majesty"

"I was wondering if you would know where the king is right now?"

"I have seen him leaving with his royal guard and Aunga, your majesty" She said, her eyes set on the marble floor where the train of taehyung's gown laid leisurely, small pearls and diamonds encrusted on its ends.

Taehyung's lips thinned into an impatient line, "When will he be arriving?"

She hesitated a bit to speak. "I'm unsure but i assume it to be soon, your majesty"

"Your majesty" A gruff voice interrupts him from behind.

The high luna closes his eyes and sighs, he hates this part of royal gatherings where new faces always keeps him engaged.

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