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Arera Packa gorgeous wonder, build at the base of the Effingrane Mountains. The pack has been always known for it's mighty historical tales of legends, the supernatural godly beings who left their marks on the land of wonder.

Though the pack is now known to be the land of privileged beings. Unlike other werewolf packs where only werewolfs are welcomed wholeheartedly, Arera pack embraces every supernatural being.

The witches, fairies, griffins, hybrids and even vampires are greeted respectfully by the vast pack—the reason being the historical tradition of treating everyone wholeheartedly. It is the decree followed since ages when godly creatures lived.

Though, any evil intension made by the foreign being against the pack would be simply eradicated without much effort as the pack holds the power of immensely gifted werewolfs—the imperials.

The imperials rule over the werewolfs, they are the purest and original line of werewolfs since the start. No matter what rank it is, they hold equal power on normal werewolfs—their voice and aura naturally submits them.

Arera pack is an empire of werewolfs itself. The rest of the four packs of wolves were formed by the empire which is now known as Arera.

The Effingrane mountains hold the castle of this pack, massive and marvelous with round towers and heavy walls made of granites. The castle has been improved over ages, some parts of it are clearly newer than others.

Wide windows are scattered generously around the walls in perfect symmetry—through one of which, a pair of blue eyes shines curiously. Little hands were held at the base of the window as the small toddler listens to the pitter patter of the heavy rain.

His eyelids flutter without a cease, as if trying to fade away the blackness enveloped in his vision. His hands slowly touch through the glass of window, feeling the edge of it through his delicate skin.


His head tilts back at the voice, a beautiful smile stretching over his lips as he staggers towards his right—towards his eomma. It is the only voice which he can never fail recognize.

The cloudy dark sky roars a thunder, frightening the little soul who screams in horror. His hands flew up to hold his ears, shivering profusely. His small body was immediately embraced by his eomma.

"It's alright baby, it's okay~ you're okay"

"Eomma! Eomma!" His bawling was heartbreaking for his omega mother who suppress down a sob and hugs his boy closely to her chest.

"I'm here sweetheart, your eomma is here baby" She cries, stroking the boy's head who's sobs slowly lower down against her chest.

She smiles and cradles the boy in her arms, taking him to her room and slowly laying him down to the soft mattress where her pup fells in a tired slumber.

She lays beside her child, willing back her tears which stung in her grey eyes. Her fingers slowly trace on the long scar carved on her child's neck.

It is unfair!

Her child is only three—a innocent omega boy—the suffering he had to go through since the birth was unfair and cruel. His beautiful eyes which seem as sapphire stones itself, didn't had the vision to see his mother nor this cruel world. The scar on his neck seemed as if his neck was slit apart from his head, his ash grey hair made him appear as a unnatural being.

The most of all brutality—he was born in the imperial line, carrying the curse within it. He was the only one to the next line of imperials. The alpha and luna were hexed for not having another child than the cursed one.

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