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Taehyung didn't visit his paradise for two days now. Even at night, he would sneak into his parent's room and sleep with them peacefully as he feared that intruder—no thief—would try to attack him.

He was so sure that the alpha he encountered at the moon night was a thief—a food thief. Pondering much on his senses after he got back to safety, taehyung vaguely remembers the mixed odor of edible foods.

He was stealing fruits and meat, maybe bread and rice too. He couldn't tell it precisely but those faint scents were somewhere near him and the alpha.

Taehyung didn't reveal the unexpected events happened on the moon night to his parents—why? Maybe because the alpha didn't harm him that night. He showed mercy and left him alone to struggle and climb up the entryway of the wall. The omega even slide the rock perfectly to be not noticed by anyone.

He had a secret.

Or it was more accurate to say—taehyung was helping to keep someone's secret safe.

If said to his father, then the imperial alpha would give orders to find and punish the intruder at any cost. The punishment in Arera for stealing is twenty lashes on the back with a hard leather whip and if it is to stealth into the royal castle, then the penance may toughen even more.

Right now, while cocooned to his warm sheets, taehyung can't help but recall the scent of the alpha. The scent was heavily dominant and masculine.

Why must a strong powerful alpha like him will need to stealth into the castle for food? Arera is a prosperous pack, poors are rare and awarded with free rations. Then why must a alpha get into the royal castle for stealing, not money or gold, but food?

His curious mind made him sit up on the bed, inhaling the air of his room. He scented the peaches and apples, it is usually kept in the copper platter on the table as a means of decoration by the maids.

He stood up and slipped his feet into the soft moccasin and walked forward, following the scent of sweet fruits.

Taehyung smiled as he grabbed the platter and made his way out of his room, careful to not make any noise and wake his parents. The guards usually don't stand outside the room for security. They either take position in the end of hallways and staircase.

Even if they query, he can simply command them to not disturb him on his way to garden. Being cursed actually helps him as the guards are so ready to comply and keep a distance from him.

As he reached the garden, the scent of nature welcomes him pleasantly. With a smile, he neared to the wall.

He kept the platter on the grass and searched for a stick. He actually found none and it made him huff. He wasn't ready to give up so he made himself near the cherry tree whose branches are usually low to reach. He did a jump and felt the branch touching his fingertips, it made him giggle and leap again, this time grasping the thick branch and tugging it down.

He had to put a little force to break it. The omega tumbled back with a silly giggle when the branch broke into his grasp.

Taehyung got the stick, now he had to search for that rock again. He started his tapping and after a long moment, he found the seperated rock too.

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