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It was never easy to live without vision but for him—who was born blind—it was normal. The first months since he was born, the little omega always clung to his mother—sitting on her lap, getting fed by her milk and comfort, carried everywhere she went.

His little hands touched and felt everything, every small thing—even pain. His small hands once accidentally touched the hot pot kept on the table. The poor soul had cried for so long, even afraid to use his hands for days.

The bonding with his father was made after spending a whole year only with his eomma. He always cried whenever he picked up a scent other than his mother's, it was fearful for the innocent soul.

Soon when he loved the caring voice of his father, his secure hands which always pat his head lovingly made him feel comfortable and secure than threatening. He loved the strong, warm scent of his father who had cried when his child willingly embraced him for the first time at the age of two.

He started speaking by babbling what his mother says. He used to pull his hair in vexation when he wasn't able to say it as sweetly as his mother. It was a laughable sight for his parents as he didn't know how to unclench his fist out his small baby hairs.

From the age of five, little omega was made to stroll around the grand garden by his eomma. He loved the garden, it was like a paradise to him.

Hearing the melodious chirps of birds, the overflowing scent of bloomed flowers hitting his senses with all pleasure. He used to bounce happily from spot to spot, giggling at the blossoms shedding from the branches of the tree.

Usually at the age of five, the werewolf pups undergo their first natural shifting but as cursed by the witch—the omega's wolf was suppressed with evil magic. He will never feel his wolf nor shift until the curse is lifted.

As time passed, he knew he was different. His mother could tell what type of birds were singing, how bright the sun was shinning or how vast the sky was, his mother could walk without falling or bumping into something.

He understood the world had colors which everyone could see, but just not him.

That was another day when he bawled and sobbed in vexation and anger. His mother didn't apprise him the truth, nor did anyone. His parents could only watch their beloved son sobbing in pain of the injustice.

It took the next five years for him to get over the unfairness the goddess had blessed him with. Since then, his mother was his eyes. She told him how the world looked, how he looked.

She said he was beautiful, the ash blond hair was matching so well to his honey soft skin. His eyes were like gems of ocean, lips supple and rosy. He had small black dot, which his mother says as a mole at the tip of his nose.

He had to question it when his mother didn't mention about it in his physical features—the slight depression he felt in his neck. His mother said it was a scar, a some sort of birth mark he had.

The Arera pack, imperials, werewolfs, witches—everything was told to him by his mother as he grew up to the age of eleven. She told most of it through stories which was read to him during night.

Then a morning he woke up to know a teacher was brought to make him learn things more well and accurate. She was a beta—for the first time he scented a werewolf correctly. His mother taught him to pick up the scent several times by making the servants stand in line, but he never succeeded to tell the difference in the scents of each rank.

He was so happy, clapping his hands as his mother praised him. The teacher's name was Im Nayeon, she was difficult to understand. She told his mother to take his hand and run it along a embossed paper, pronouncing syllables as his fingers trace over it the paper.

It was greatly vexing, he even made a fit to give up but his mother was patiently encouraging him. After four years of slow progress, the omega learnt to read and write braille. He was never been this thankful for it, he could read braille books. The fascinating stories which he could know through his own effort was so much delightful to him.

He was truly happy that he lifted half of his mother's pressure, though it never was but he was delighted.

He jumped in happiness for many days, bragging about the stories he read to his appa and eomma. The sight was a great contentment to his parents.

The world was much clearer to him as he turned sixteen. Through the books, he learnt about the life depicted by the characters in the stories. How they had so many people around them, friends. Why he never had one?

He asked his confusion to his teacher who politely refused to reply by saying he should ask about it to the luna. So he did ask, his mother's answer was oddly suspicious—she said he is the heir of imperials so everyone had great respect to him.

Yet the prince and princess in the story books had friends too. He decided to go out of the castle and make friends but his parents refused. He insisted, then they again refused. It frustrated him so he threw a fit, didn't talk to them for days. Even refused to eat.

Reluctantly, his appa agreed and took him out. For the first time, he visited the town of Arera. He was so exhilarated but it all died down quickly. He was hearing faint murmurs—cursed omega.

Occasionally, he would hear his father commanding for silence. It was heard only twice or thrice as then silence was maintained in the respect of the imperial alpha. No one neared him, he could hear the people taking footsteps backwards as he nears them.

Then he remembered, neither of his servants and not even his teacher came near him. They always maintained a fair distance, made sure they don't touch him or his used objects. What was he? Was he a monster like in the story books he read?

He sobbed out the same doubts to his eomma who started crying upon hearing his misery. His father was saying to his eomma, "we can't always hide it from him"

Then she told him—cursed by a witch. Seen as a scourge. Wore signs of someone's death. Mateless. Devoid of love. Forever Darkness.

Knew all of it at the age of sixteen. His small heart couldn't contain it's pain as it overflowed in anguish tears. He clung to his mother's dress and begged for sleep to visit.

Right now, sitting on the veranda steps. Spending his nineteen years of life by enjoying the same air of his castle, he knew his life was forever drowned in darkness.

Though the definition of darkness is not referred to his blind eyes but the cursed loneliness pervaded in his life.

No matter how much his father consoled him and himself by saying he will find a way, consulting and requesting every witches and wizards—he knows—there is no way to lift a curse of a dead witch.

It was simple to fathom—Kim Taehyung was forever cursed by darkness.


This was actually hard to write, maybe because i've never described a differently abled character before. Hope you didn't find it boring, we will get onto the interesting parts soon :)

Love ya! 💖

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