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Today was one of the biggest festival celebrated in Arera pack—the birth of their moon goddess. Every year, the day was joyously celebrated in every pack of werewolfs. The day starts with worshipping the goddess and ends with a celebration of traditional songs and dance.

The arerians shift back to their wolf forms at the midnight and howl at the full moon together, the sound resonating pleasingly high at the dark sky. The prosperous celebration ends as the howling ceases and the moon shines a layer brighter-known to be the sign of moon goddess's blessing upon her children.

As everyone celebrates, taehyung sits back in his room alone. Neither can he shift to participate the ritual nor can he join his people without scaring them away.

When he was a child, his appa and eomma used to take him to the garden and sit beside him. As the alpha and luna of the werewolves, they're obliged to lead the ritual and join their pack celebration but they always chose to stay beside their small pup.

When the auspicious ritual begins, they both shift and howl at the moon. It wouldn't scare taehyung away as he was protected by his parents, it always felt nice to sit at the back of his father's mighty brown wolf and feel the vibration of his powerful howling.

As he turned seventeen, he told his parents to join the ritual as they have been avoiding such a great responsibility since years. They protested but he was sure to make them listen.

Last two years were manageable to sit alone and hear the loud deep howls resonating the midnight, so it was easy to assume that he will pass this time too. The alpha didn't allow the trustworthy servants and guards to take part in the ritual, though they'll surely shift when the ritual starts but they were given the orders to look after the imperial omega.

"Thank you sumi" The delicate voice of the omega hung in the calm air of the royal room.

The maid bowed from afar and cautiously approached to take the empty bowl of soup from the low table. Taehyung blinked against blackness and made his hands wander over the table, searching for the book.

His hands accidentally brushed with the fingers of the maid. In a second, she was stumbling back in a jolt, the bowl falling from her shock frozen hands. Taehyung flinched at the loud cracking of the glass bowl against the hardwood floor, his eyes widened in shock.

"I'm sorry...sorry" He frantically apologised, hearing the hissing of contempt from the maid.

"I'm sorry, sumi. I only intended to take my book" He apologised again, voice filled with guilt.

The lady mumbled something under her breath, he could sense her panicking and rubbing her hands restlessly. She noisily slide the book towards his side, letting taehyung know its position.

Taehyung pursed his lips and took the book, hearing the maid gathering the broken pieces of the bowl which made him mumble a apology again. She was one new maid who wasn't much frightened of him and now he scared her too. He chided himself several times mentally.

Sighing calmly, he searched for the book mark that he usually place between the pages. When he couldn't feel it against his fingers, taehyung opened a random page and felt the letters.

"Oh" A voice of realisation came out of his supple lips, "Sumi, this isn't the book i was reading"

"I have read this one" Taehyung tries to explain, "the one i was reading is somewhat smaller in size than this"

He blinked when the maid didn't respond to him, "sumi?"

He can't assume that she already left the room as he could clearly hear the sounds of her faint footsteps, careful steps which moves farther slowly. She was trying her best to not even make her breathes audible, simply trying to fool the blind omega of thinking she left so that she doesn't have serve him anymore.

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