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The court matters had always been interesting thing to bother about. No matter how irrelevant or boring it would be, taehyung would sit in the court hall and actively discuss the matters. But today was unusual, he was in fact yawning.

His plump lips were pouted, he felt it too parched that he would lick on them occasionally. Or maybe he felt them a bit lonely without the taste of his alpha.

It had been two days, jungkook promised he'd be back from gregaria within a day. Right before the celebration. But he wasn't here yet.

Apparently the high alpha left to gregaria to pay a official visit to the pack. The rulers of arera usually do visit the packs occasionally to confirm harmony.

His father, Daehan had insisted to let jungkook handle the pack matters alone, without his help. His father had been training jungkook for two months now and is pretty impressed by his progress.

Whereas, taehyung was told to stay in Arera which he thought wouldn't be much difficult but the way he misses his alpha's presence was physically painful. His body was aching and exhausted in the yearning of his alpha's warmth and love.

"Your majesty" The minister interrupted his gloomy thought.

Taehyung sighed, his chin rested on his hand. "Yes"

"We'd like to hear your judgement" The minister politely smiled.

The high luna blinked, he doesn't even know what subject is being discussed. He pleadingly glanced toward namjoon who looked away, refusing help.

He pouted more, "Can we postpone this to later, minister kenji?"

The minister hesitated, "uh... sure your majesty. As you wish"

"Thank you" He raised from his seat, a bit unsteady. "Did the king send any message from gregaria?"

"No, your majesty" One of the minister answered.

Taehyung huffed, stomping his feet. "Bloody hell!"

A swift silence stayed on the court hall. Stunned by the luna's tipsy behavior. Taehyung bit his tongue, eyes fixing at the xumaire who had his face frowned at him.

"Forgive me" He apologies to the court. He gathers the train of his silver robe,"That is it for now, thank you for your time"

The ministers leave the court after paying courtesy, their murmurs slowly becoming unheard. Namjoon raised from his seat, straightening and giving a judging look towards the high luna.

Taehyung rushed to follow the elder, "Please don't complain this to appa"

"Not about this small matter, taehyung" Namjoon keeps walking, "But surely about getting tipsy early in the morning"

Taehyung rolls his eyes, he only drank a bit of red wine. "Please, please..."

His father will be greatly disappointed. Not to mention the great rebukes he will receive and the lectures on respecting the court.

"High lord, atleast consider it as a gift to me"

"Alright" Namjoon halts and turns to the omega with a frowning face. "You miss his majesty too much"

Taehyung covers his mouth as he hiccups. "That's an impolite remark to make"

The xumaire settles his hands to his back, judging him. "Forgive me, but it is only two days"

Taehyung leans to a pillar. "He promised a day to me"

"Gregaria is a beautiful place with beautiful people. He must be awed" Namjoon began to head forward.

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