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Taehyung's eyes moved under the closed lids of it. There was a illumination floating inside him, a sort which announces the relieve from pain. His mind was slowly stirring awake to a tensed conversation.

"I had no other choice, your majesty"

"You stabbed your king in his chest. Close to his beating heart, namjoon! Whatever explanation you bestow, nothing shall justify your act"

"I'm guilty of my deeds but my intention wasn't to harm my king. I only wanted him to rest from his rage—"

"If he wasn't an imperial, he would've died of your silver dagger!"

"I'm aware, for as i aimed his chest and not the heart"

The luna only got angrier. "Who gave you the right to put a thief above your king?"

"I'm rightful to make choices—any choice that shows right path to my king. No matter how wrong it would seem to others, i'm obliged to my duties"

"You're the Xumaire of Arera! You're below me as you've forgot. The king can remove you from this rank just as he given you in the first place"

"Then i shall step back with pride"

Taehyung's brows creased, wrinkles forming his forehead and eyes. His hands instinctively moved, taking namjoon's attention.

"Your majesty" He gestured the luna to give a look at his son, laying on the grand bed of the castle chamber.

She let out a gasp, her anger vanishing to relief, "Baby"

Taehyung's head shifted to her voice, eyes pressed shut. Only one name throbbed on his lips, "Jungkook?"

"Oh my child. What did that boy do to you?" His mother cried holding his hand.

"Your highness claimed to be in love with that boy" Namjoon whispered, receiving a quick glare from the queen. "Refrain yourself from speaking, high lord"

The beta pursed his lips and stepped back with a small respectful bow.

Her blond hair swayed as she leaned closer to her beloved son, "Taehyung? Baby?"

The omega moved to the other side, wrinkles lining up his forehead as he frowns deeply. His ears buzzing to hear jungkook's voice.

"Your majesty" The xumaire spoke again, his silver eyebrows raising in puzzlement. He leans closer, surprised realising he took too much of time to notice the changes.

"The prince no longer wears the scar"

The queen meets his eyes in a moment of confusion, then slowly her gray eyes widen to gape at her son.

"His hair is...golden locks of blond" The beta stuttered, unable to believe his own eyes.

The queen covers her mouth in a sobbing gasp, "What—oh my god! Namjoon...does it mean..."

"The curse is broken" The xumaire announced in a tone replicating happiness.

A scream breaks through from the prince.

Taehyung's hands were grasped tightly on his eyes, covering it against the slicing light entering through his vision. He screamed when his trembling fingers kept giving spaces to the light.

"Baby" The queen firmly held her distressed son close to her chest, "It's okay... It's alright"

"Eomma?" The prince shrieked, trembling at the unfamiliarity he's facing.

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