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Taehyung hissed, then a series of giggles followed. It made the alpha to laugh as well, slowly pulling taehyung's hand and dipping it to the clear water.

"It's so cold" The omega said with a laugh, his eyes unfocused ahead. "But not as much as the lake"

Jungkook checked the coldness of the water, it was pretty average. His eyes then scanned around the area, through the thin woods and bushes, trying to pick any scent of danger. Confirming nothing but chilled air and golden shine of fireflies, he softly made the omega kneel on the ground.

"Are you ready to get in?" Jungkook asked, pretty unsure but the omega insisted that he wants to take a bath to clean away the dirt and unpleasant smell from his body.

In the deep edge of the town, where it ends to the thick forest, was a dirty old shack. Big and small wooden pieces held together to form a crudely shape of hut. That was jungkook's home.

Walking a mile from it, was a pretty large pond where he always spend his time to clean himself. It was normal and his daily life, but to introduce it to taehyung, a prince who was born to royal luxury, was embarrassing.

"Yes, i think i am" Taehyung held onto the alpha's shoulder who lifted him and then slowly lowered him to the pond.

Water swallowed his lower half, the ooh's and aah's bursting out from the omega was hilarious to jungkook. When his feet touched the moist end of the pond, taehyung relaxed himself to the cooling comfort of the water.

"Are you alright?" The alpha had his hands securely held onto his shoulder. Taehyung nodded his head and hugged the water with his playful hands.

The reason for the excitement was because of the almost healed wounds and bruises. He was surprised since he woke up—first, for sleeping until it was dark. Second, as said by jungkook, neriss oil did a miracle in healing his wounds.

Apparently it works miraculous only if you're taking the needful rest, which is why the alpha didn't bother to wake him.

"Okay" Jungkook took his hand and made it to feel the clothes and a bar of soap kept in the edge of pond. "I've kept all that you need here"

Taehyung smiled gratefully, "Thank you"

"I'll be close enough to hear your call. I will only turn to you when you call me, you can trust me" The alpha sounded so nervous.

Taehyung just laughed. "I trust you"

Jungkook, for a second, just stared at his joyous grin. Then stood up from his kneeling position, "You ought to call me if you need anything... Any small thing. Just lower down to the water, if you think it's improper for me to—"

"I'll be alright, jarer" Taehyung smiled at his concern, then bit his tongue realising he took the old name again. "I'm sorry"

"No problem" Jungkook chuckled, "I'll leave now, enjoy your bath"

Taehyung nodded, shortly hearing the footsteps of the alpha. He turned and started peeling off the torn silk robe from his body. He discarded it on the grass and relaxed himself to the water.

He layed there still for a long time, no movements, no thoughts. Just resting his mind. Each second passing with his stillness, jungkook's worry would ascend a step more. He was sitting under a oak tree, facing the other side of the pond.

Sensing the lingering sourness in alpha's scent, taehyung smiled, his eyes shut and facing the crescent moon up the sky. "You can talk to me, rather than sitting bored"

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