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Jungkook quietly followed the lady who he understands to be the innkeeper. He had a old case, carrying all of his old items. The village inn was quite large, two-story building with generous space, not much crowded.

She ushered him to a neat room—a room with bed and bathroom and windows. Everything which he hadn't quite experienced in his life. It was always the ground and shed under large trees on rough weathers.

He's sure Arera's lodging rooms would be more grand but this was beyond grand to him. More than enough.

"Thank you" His voice was softened with a grateful smile.

The lady grinned and gestured him to move in but he warily lingered on the threshold. "How much is it?"

"No cost, good sir" It surprised him enough for the innkeeper to explain, "No charges if it's just for a day and Meryil says you want it only for a night only"

Jungkook perceives the name to be the loud omega girl he met at the gates of Gregaria pack. "Yes, thank you"

"Feel yourself at home, sir" She grinned and left.

He stepped into the room, smile never leaving his face. When he sat on the bed, it felt so overwhelming that he let out a shaky breath. The bed felt so soft.

It will definitely feel a thousand strikes of happiness when he'll enter his own house, made from his hardwork. He'd work exceedingly to build a home of his own—here—in Gregaria. His new home. A place where he'd be able to do anything without receiving punishments or contempt.

A place where he'd start adapting to a life without the one he loves. The only one he loves.

He closed his eyes at the remembrance of taehyung. A rapid flinch striked his body when a high pitched voice squealed into the room.

He found the same omega girl he met earlier, the only one whom he told he's new to Gregaria. Meryil—that's what the innkeeper said.

"New member! New member!" She was chanting it with weird excitement.

She wasn't alone, two men and one women followed behind her. Jungkook stood warily, the men were alphas and the women had no werewolf scent, meaning she wasn't one.

"Keep it low, mery" The women hissed, she appeared normal than this omega girl. Her braided black hair rested elegantly on her shoulder, the gold gown complimenting her milky skin.

Merylin only laughed and reached out her hand towards jungkook, "Hey, we met at the entrance, remember?"

Jungkook forced a smile, not failing to notice the many big rings on her slender fingers. "Yes, it was only minutes ago"

"Exactly! I was so upset that i couldn't greet you properly after you said you're going stay here in our pack. You just went away such quickly and it forced me to follow you" She babbled on.

A laugh bursted from a guy behind her. Jungkook didn't know how to react other than giving a awkward smile.

Her silver nose ring shone against her brown skin, "I'm merylin by the way and you should really take my hand or else it would seem so rude"

Jungkook immediately shook her hand and laughed, it is all so strange. Or maybe it's his first friendly social meeting.

"I'm jungkook"

Her face didn't look pleased, "Oh such a uncool name!"

Amidst the laughter, jungkook could only blink in bewilderment. The women came forward, "don't mind her, she's always a little too honest"

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