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The high alpha couldn't find his mate. He was rushing through corridors, eyes searching every corners of the castle for taehyung but he couldn't spot him anywhere.

He was worried as he could precisely feel the sorrow of his mate in the nub of his chest.

His feet paused on its track. Giving a smack to the back of his head, he turned and hurried towards the garden---taehyung's paradise. How could he miss that.

"Tae!" His voice came out as a exclaim of relief. He made his way closer to his mate who was sitting on the pavilion, almost looking like he collapsed.

His omega was crying, shivering hysterically. He immediately embraced him, his amber eyes turning glossy. "Love"

Taehyung sobbed against his chest, seeing him this broken and weak felt like a millions of knifes striking over his skin.

"My love, please. I can't see you like this" His soft words only made taehyung to press himself tighter to his alpha.

"I can't do this anymore... I can't" The omega's sobs broke with each words, "It hurts so much, jungkook. It hurts"

"I know. I know. But you're my omega. You're the strongest. We have to and we can do this. We owe that to our people" In that very moment, when those words left his mouth, he knew he passed the path of accepting himself as the king of werewolfs.

Taehyung whimpered, "What if... What if lord xumaire haven't been save you? To believe you?"

Jungkook closed his eyes, he knew taehyung saw himself in Nam gyuri.

"I'd have lost you. I'd have never been able to feel your love. I'd never been able to love you jungkook. I'd have lost you forever" Fear trembled out of his voice.

Jungkook kissed his head, "But i'm right here, love. I'm just here with you and holding you close to my beating heart"

Taehyung's lips quivered, "But what if... what if something like that happens again? What if they don't let us live--"

The strongest werewolf, the imperial luna, who was always seen with his head held high was here, in his arms, at his lowest and most vulnerable point---just in fear of losing him.

"Nothing will happen to us" Jungkook pulled away to gaze at his omega, "Tae... Look at me. I'm never leaving you again, i'll fight with anything to live with you"

Taehyung's eyes didn't meet, it was low and brimmed with tears. "They won't change"

"Then let them not. Doesn't mean we should give up. Doesn't mean we lost. We will try, we might fail at times, but we will try again and again. That's what we promised, didn't we?" He gently wiped his tears, each swipe bringing more weight on his heart.

Taehyung rubbed the stickiness in his eyes, the kohl smeared over his cheeks. It didn't felt right seeing him like this, though he knows in this world he's the only person whom taehyung would allow himself to be vulnerable.

"Hey, i want my omega back" Jungkook whines to bring a smile on his omega, kissing his eyes. "I want those fierce eyes and sharp tongue"

He brushed their lips together, "The dominance that bows me to you"

A smile touched taehyung's lips, eyes finally having the light of love. It encouraged jungkook, "Seeing you so superior turns me on"

Taehyung's laugh filled the air. The alpha pulled him to his lap and kissed on his mate mark, earning a moan from the omega.

Taehyung drew back and pressed his lips to the alpha's mouth. The immediate evacuation of all heaviness from his heart was raising goosebumps on his skin.

Jungkook squeezed his thigh with one hand and used the other to caress the omega's cheek. When they broke their kiss, the omega had his head buried to jungkook's neck, tugging at the cravat and exposing the rich skin of his neck.

His canines started to grow, licking and grazing over the alpha's neck. Jungkook pinned his arms to his back and hissed, "No"

The omega stilled, whimpering. "Why?"

Jungkook bit down his desires, "Not now"

Taehyung met his amber eyes, he thought his alpha wanted to be marked by him after their wedding.

"We're married" It came out feeble from taehyung.

Jungkook looked away, "I know"

Taehyung bit his lower lip, suppressing the pain it caused. He slowly got up from the alpha's lap and excused himself of fixing his messed up face.

Jungkook felt the hurt his denial caused on his omega. He got closer to him, "Love"

Taehyung smoothed his hair with his fingers, smiling airily. "It's alright"

The silence didn't settle between them for long as the unexpected arrival of the xumaire drew a line of distance between them.

"I guessed i'd find you here, your majesty" He said nonchalantly.

Taehyung smiled while jungkook bowed, "Lord xumaire"

Namjoon stared at him for a while, "You're my king, your majesty. You don't bow to me"

"I heard the xumaire is equal to the rulers of Arera" Jungkook reasoned.

"That's because the xumaire is the only one who can object and make changes to the king's decision if they're are found unseemly" The high lord explained.

"Still, it means i can bow to you" Jungkook couldn't stand the thought of not paying respect to such a great man of Arera.

"Very well then, if you insist" Namjoon laughed, "It will make a good detail to boast among companions"

Taehyung giggled at his witty response.

"The commoners are waiting to hear a final judgement from you" Namjoon said, looking at the high luna.

Taehyung nodded his head, taking a deep breath. Jungkook held his hand, softly running his thumb to assure him comfort.

"And your majesty, i would perhaps like to give you a advice---"

"To appoint Nam gyuri as the luna of nelthria?" Taehyung interrupted the xumaire.

Namjoon grinned and nodded his head, quite impressed.

"How did you know she'd be honest?" Taehyung was genuinely curious of it.

"I like to keep information of everything, your majesty. And a war between two packs was quite a interesting subject" The xumaire chuckled.

"I'm grateful to your mindfulness" Taehyung bowed to the beta.

"My king" Namjoon smiled as jungkook caught his eyes confusedly, "Your thoughts for our people really impressed me"

Jungkook pressed his lips for a thin smile. "I had always been denied to meet the king and queen by the guards. If at all i met them atleast once, then i think half of my problems would've been cured"

He felt a soft squeeze on his hand by his mate. "So i don't want that to happen to anyone"

Namjoon nodded in understanding, "I'll make sure only trusted soldiers guard the entrance of castle"

"Thank you, High Lord" Jungkook bowed.


How about a small fight b/w taekook? 👀

Not me adding or planning for more to this story. This was supposed to end by now 😩

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