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"You shouldn't let go off my hand" Jungkook demanded again while slowly wrapping a white cloth around the omega's neck.

Taehyung nodded, standing still for the alpha who covered the lower half of his face with the cotton cloth and tied it behind his head.

The alpha connected the ends of the fabric in such a way that it covered his ash hair, the scar on his neck and the face upto his nose. Everything that gives signs of Arera's prince.

"Do not pull off the cloth, always check it's kept covered, alright?"

"Yes" Taehyung nodded again, touching the white cloth. It felt a little suffocating but he'd manage if it lets him to enjoy the Hunoon celebration.

It was at first a random wish he told to jungkook, but the alpha came up with a adamant thought of taking him to the town. He half heartedly protested but jungkook bothered to take the risk while assuring him that he will not let anyone know that he's the untouchable prince.

The omega was truly exhilarated, agreeing to everything the alpha instructed him to do and not to do.

"The guards will be all around the town, so we ought to be careful" Jungkook's raspy voice got distant as he started rummaging into something.

"You should make sure they don't spot us. I don't want to go home without enjoying the festival" The prince grumbled, he was slightly upset.

Jungkook smiled and worked on covering his own face and arms. "I will make sure you enjoy it to the fullest, i promise"

The omega said nothing, just moved his face to the other side. He licked his lips, the moments of last night fleeting over his mind.

"Was last night disappointing?" He blurted out, blinking the moist layer forming on his azure eyes.

Jungkook stilled, "What?"

Taehyung bit his lips, since the time he woke up, the alpha hadn't once showed a sign of affection, one such of last night. It was natural for him to think the alpha regretted it.

"You aren't talking much about last night" He mumbled.

"I was just occupied with this—" Jungkook paused, realising he was too much engaged in making arrangements so that the prince would enjoy the festival without getting noticed.

He regretfully sighed and approached the omega, "taehyung?"

The omega took a breath when jungkook held his hands and whispered, "Last night felt like a dream which i still can't seem to believe"

He lifted his hand and softly brushed a kiss on his skin. "I'm sorry to make you feel that way"

Taehyung shook his head, his bottom lip slipping between his teeth. A shudder striked him when jungkook lowered the cloth from his face, "Can i kiss you, my prince?"

My prince. My. The words kept ringing on his ears and just when he nodded, the soft press of the alpha's lips warmed against his mouth. He closed his eyes, arms flying up to wrap around his neck.

This time it was entirely different. The alpha's heated scent cocooned him just like he was in his arms. Surprise skimmed over his soul when his mouth was parted by the moist caress of the alpha's tongue. Hot and sensual.

He shuddered at the new sensation, at the heat bubbling inside his stomach. It felt like he hadn't been breathing at all. The surprise and pleasure was only mixing when the alpha's strong hands gripped his face and dragged him backwards, until his back rested against a hard surface.

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