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The dark painted sky had delicately embraced the white arc of moon in it's warmth. The air was, as usual, chill—mixed with the scent of spiked clove and soft floral depths.

The round silver eyes of the wolf curiously stared at the omega's gorgeous face, baffled on why he's oddly silent. He waited for a long time now, but the imperial omega said nothing but just a awkward greeting.

Was he being cautious or scared because of his previous night's act? Does he thinks of him as a immoral and deviant alpha? He refrained himself from pondering those gloomy thoughts.

Impatiently, he barked. Taehyung lifted his head, eyes shifting towards his right.

"What happened?" The omega asked in a low hesitant voice.

The wolf only tilted his head and barked again. Taehyung frowned awkwardly, "Are you trying to say something to me?"

The wolf immediately had his tail and ears down, laying himself on the ground with his head rested down dolefully, eyes fixated on the omega sadly as he lets out a whining sound.

Taehyung's eyes flutters in confusion, he never heard the wolf make such glum sounds. He wandered his hands aimlessly, trying to reach the wolf while softly calling, "Jarer?"

The wolf raised and pressed himself close to the omega, feeling his warm hands caressing over the thick coat of his fur.

"Are you sad? What happened?" Taehyung sat on his knees, rubbing on the withers of the wolf who purred under his touch.

"You aren't hurt anywhere, are you?" The way the omega was concerning over his little whine made the alpha rub his face against taehyung's chest, releasing his delighted pheromones.

Taehyung smiled at the gesture, loving how comfortably the wolf decided to lay his head on his lap, purring and rubbing his face repeatedly against his thighs.

He knew, atleast this, the wolf was showing his delight to be caressed by him. The imperial omega smiled, "Ah~ you wanted my attention"

The alpha happily rolls over his lap, delightful at the stroking on his fluffy large ear. He's glad the omega got the hint.

Taehyung giggles, hearing the wriggling of the wolf's tail. He was showing him so much signs that he needs attention. Maybe his silence had made him show how adorable he can get.

"Aww" Taehyung cooes, his hands fondly playing with the plush fur of the alpha.

"I thought you don't like me talking" He mumbled sadly, immediately feeling the wolf's head jerking under his palm, making small sounds of grunt which shows his denial.

Taehyung giggled, "stop being so adorable"

The alpha made a woof sound, somewhat which says he's isn't adorable. Taehyung laughed and continued stroking his furred face.

The wolf suddenly got up and dipped his snout to his neck, licking it in process. Taehyung giggled, a visible heat rising on his cheeks and he hopes the darkness around him hides it well.

The wolf sighs against his skin, a breath which came out hot. Taehyung felt a wash of shiver in his body, how would it be if he feels the warmth of his hands, his shifted form.

He pushed off that thought, jarer is obviously uncomfortable in it. Honestly, he is still trying to figure out what made him uncommon last night.

Out of his hundreds of assumptions, one of it was of his nonstop talks. But the wolf now shows he wants attention. So that's cut down. Then leaves what? It is tiring to understand the alpha.

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