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A sharp pain edging on his head had woken him up in a whimper. With each flutter of his eyes, he felt every ache marked in his body. He winced when he tried to move his arms, wanting to sit up in wherever he's laying.

"Hey" The voice slants the omega's head towards the right. Such deep and comforting voice had never ringed in his ears before.

His first instincts was to panic, trying to lift his hands cautiously in alert. The fear swirled around him rapidly to make his breathes laboured.

Until a cirrus of oud woodsy scent tufted over him, it's each thread carrying a hint of clove within. He'd never miss to recognise the smoky spike of his scent.

"Jarer?" He heard some quick movements from his right. A soft touch feathered across the skin of his hand. "Yes, i'm here"

Taehyung's parched lips lifted up for a weak relieved smile. He attempted to sit again, grunting at the worn out muscles. He picked a crystal layer of worry in the alpha's scent, "Can i help you?"

The omega nodded faintly, the woodsy scent brushing on his face as the alpha got closer to him. His calloused fingers gently curled around the sides of his arms and carefully lifted him.

Taehyung smiled when he was leaned to a rough surface, he guessed it to be a wall or flattened wood. His hands felt the shabby fabric of sheets beneath him.

"Where am i?" The words naturally tumbled out of his mouth.

The alpha took a bit time to answer, "In my place"

Taehyung breathed in, the odour of forest and woods hooking his senses, fastening a reminder of last night.  "But i smell...forest"

"I live in the forest"

Before taehyung could frown at his answer, his eyes closed at the gentle touch. His dishevelled hair was smoothly slided away from his bruised forehead. "How do you feel?"

The worry in the alpha's scent still hung in the air. Taehyung licked his lips, "Tired"

"And?" The alpha wanted complete honesty but taehyung didn't wanted to intense the worry in his scent.

"A little painful" He added cautiously. His cheek was quickly coated with the warmth of the alpha's palm. "You shouldn't have left the castle, your highness"

Those words made him lick his lips, instantly feeling the healing cut to the left of his bottom lip. "Don't call me that"

"I don't like it from you" He didn't wanted to cry but his eyes were moistening. The alpha had his thumb running against his cheek in response, not voicing a agreement.

"Taehyung. Address me by my name" He said firmly. They have known each other well enough, the alpha was even touching him, was so close to him and yet he chose not to think of taking his name.

"Forgive me. I was hesitant thinking you wouldn't like it" The alpha politely said, brushing a formal kiss on the front of his hand.

Taehyung said nothing, tears fell from his eyes as he asked, "Why didn't you come?"

"I'm sorry, i couldn't" His voice was feeble with sorrow.

"You didn't wanted to?"

There was a short silence from the alpha. Taehyung kept his eyes low, ears perked to hear jarer's response.

"I couldn't make it to you but believe me, there wasn't a moment i didn't long to meet you, taehyung" Sincerity dripped from his voice, his scent growing into a soothing blanket around the omega.

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