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He doesn't know if the sultry sun was making him sweat or the work on pushing the large pots close to the wall. He had to cover the wall opening properly as it was daytime and getting caught can be much easier.

Last time, the alpha had made him too baffled. One time he was accepting his fruits and next he was going all berserk. One thing was clear, his life had turned interesting since the intruder sneaked into his life.

He was taking risk. But he didn't care—if he'll die by the nailed paws and sharp teeth of a wolf then atleast he will be free from the curse. Can surely visit heaven though.

Taehyung took a deep breath and made a jump, landing straight into the bed of leaves and bushes. He blinked his eyes in confusion, hands picking on the dry leaves.

Instantly, a wide smile broadened his lips when he scented the alpha.

"Did you put these here?" His voice was surprisingly cheerful and it made the wolf look away with a snort.

Taehyung giggled, oh the alpha was caring for him. Probably understood he was a horrible jumper by noticing his bleeding knee last time. But what can you expect from a blind person.

"Thank you" He mumbled gratefully, crawling out of the heap of withered leaves and leaving behind the rustle of crackle.

The omega failed to control the series of suppressed laugh, making the wolf to give a low snarl of warning this time. Yet taehyung didn't feel afraid, the gesture was too sweet for him to not fear the alpha anymore until he cause any serious damage to him.

He sat on the rough ground and unknotted the cloth bag which he had securely held it in his hands. The wolf curiously watched him, the omega's smile was beautiful to stare at.

Soon the delicious aroma of cooked food hits his nose, his mouth instantly watering at the sight of such succulent meals. The omega was serving out a small platter of lamb stew, bowl of rice, fried meat and fish. All stored in a medium-sized container of steel.

"This was today's lunch" Taehyung mumbled with a kind a smile.

The wolf's eyes sparkled at the omega who said, "please have it"

The wolf didn't wait a bit to devour the meals served in front of him, all his collected pride and ego long forgotten. Taehyung chuckled and sat a little away from the wolf, satisfied in hearing his hungry chomping on the food.

It was easy to demand a bit too much from what he usually eats to the maids. He saved it for his new friend. If the wolf agrees, then he will be his first and only friend.

If only he agrees though.

Taehyung's head tilts towards the left when he hears the cease of the munching sounds from the wolf.

"Was it good?"

He waits but hears no voice, other than the breathing and licking.

"I also brought some fruits, you can have it when you're hungry" Taehyung mumbles but pouts when the alpha doesn't respond. How will he know if he doesn't make it audible to him!?

With a sullen pout, he says, "Make a sound if you heard me"

He waits and shortly hears a knock, the wolf was hitting his paw on the ground to make him know that he heard. A bright smile makes way to the omega's face as he whispers, "thank you"

"Where are you from?" Taehyung asks in a controlled voice. Assuming by the sound, the wolf was busy licking his body.

He sighs, "Make a sound if you are an arerian?"

Another knock on the ground was heard, making the omega chuckle. They were having a conversation, maybe the food was so much impressing to the alpha.

"This place, is it—" Taehyung focuses on smelling the air, "forest?"

"Ah~ the backside of the castle! It is covered of woods" Taehyung continues to speak his mind, "But leads to the town of Arera"

He heard careless taps on the ground, making him smile, "so you are from town?"

Getting to hear another sound, taehyung curiously asks again, "So why do you come here?"

There wasn't any response, so he instead asks, "How did you find that rock in the wall?"

It didn't take much for him to guess, "You made it?"


Taehyung gapes, impressed and stunned. "How?"

A huff of proud was heard from the wolf. Taehyung smiles, doesn't want to bombard all of his questions at once so he saves it for another day.

Why does he steal? It was the foremost question he had in his mind. But that obviously seems offending so it was better to skip to others.

Firstly, the most important one. "You won't hurt me, right?"

He sensed the pause of movements from the wolf. He waited, but the alpha made no sounds that could be assuring to him.

"Can i trust that you won't?" Taehyung hesitantly asks, his heart beating loud.


The omega couldn't resist the sound of surprise that came out as a small squeal. His cheeks tinted red at his own excited happiness, embarrassed as he turns his head with a press of lips.

The wolf tilted his head, tongue sticking out as a sign of amusement.

Taehyung drew a breath and calmly whispered, "Thank you"


A voice faintly cuts through them, their ears perking up at it. Taehyung turned his head, recognising it as his mother's voice and it immediately made him gasp. She was in the garden, what if she spots the square of opening in the wall.


It was the first time, taehyung kept quiet even after hearing his eomma's distressed voice. He'd always responds as his mother gets worried quite quickly.

Taehyung sensed the wolf getting up from his sitting position, he probably smelled his nervousness.

As the wolf moved, taehyung tensed even more and whispered, "Please be quite"

The wolf made no sounds then on, the omega would even mistake him as gone if not his masculine scent hung in air. Taehyung focused on his hearing, wanting to make sure the garden gets deserted by his eomma and guards.

"Where did he go?" His mother's shriek made him close his eyes tightly.

"Your highness was here, my luna" The guard's baffled voice almost made him feel guilty.

"He left and you didn't even notice! What kind of protection is provided to my son?" The luna rebuked at the guards.

Then footsteps were all taehyung heard, retreating one by one. He pressed himself close to the wall and sniffed, trying to sense any presence that would trick him.

A deep sigh left his lips, glad that no one noticed the gap. Maybe he did hide it well behind the pots. He turned aimlessly and mumbled, "i will go now, meet you tomorrow...uh"

His eyes wavered, well what should he call him? So he decided to just conclude his words. "Meet you tomorrow"

The wolf stared keenly as the omega struggled to pull himself up and climbed above to reach his castle. As he shifted back to his human form, he had a genuine smile plastered on his face.


I love how it is going 😩

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