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The king and queen settled the matter of hostility between the packs. The high luna was clear with the rule of any discrimination or malice shown towards the gregarians, then the punishment shall be no less than death and torture.

Nam gyuri was made the luna of nelthria, she pledged to show right guidance to the nelthrians. Her father was sentenced to lifetime imprisonment, in respect of his daughter's choice of not wanting to see his death.

The former nelthrian alpha had found pride in his luxury and rank, snatching that was enough to death for him.

Jungkook was waiting for his mate to let out a sigh of relief, now that every matter was settled but taehyung still had that stoic face. A rage in his eyes for the people enjoying the celebration carelessly.

His worry was interrupted when a gregarian approached, Aunga. His gaze was the same, hard and insolent. Jungkook looked back at soonwo who wasn't much pleased of his friend's presence.

"Your majesty" Aunga bowed and extended a small wooden box, a eagle carved on its front.

Jungkook only blinked, he didn't know what that thing was. He believed it to be something that would humiliate him as it is Aunga, the one who despises him greatly for goddess knows what.

Nevertheless he accepted it. Aunga stood on his feet and waited for him to open it. Jungkook looked back at soonwo again, waiting for him to snatch the box from him. But he did nothing.

He reluctantly opened the box. A melodious tune started to vibrate from the box. He smiled and looked up at Aunga, meeting the same rude eyes.

"Thank you" It came out too happily.

The gregarian bowed and ambled back impolitely. This time when he looked back at soonwo, he had a genuine smile for his old friend.

Jungkook kept listening to the soothing sound from the musical box until taehyung raised from the throne. The sky almost darkened, taehyung was probably making an announcement to end the celebration.

The ends of his cape swayed in air when taehyung halted at the front of the platform.

His eyes shimmered gold, "As of today, a new rule had been added to the books of Arera. I was wondering wouldn't now be the right time to implement it?"

He looked down to the row of raised seats, meeting the eyes of xumaire. "What do you think, high lord?"

Namjoon wasn't sure of what the young omega had in his mind but he was certain it wouldn't be anything flawed.

"It seems right to me, your majesty"

"Then be it" Taehyung smiled, "The present members of Arera shall step forward and the rest may stay back and maintain quietness"

Jungkook felt something unsettling inside him. He gripped the arm of the gold throne and trepidatiously watched his mate.

Gold armored soldiers circled around the space, taking their position and enclosing around the public, precisely the arerians who'd stepped forward.

It immediately alarmed jungkook, raising from the throne with his eyes shaking in bewilderment.

Taehyung's chin lifted, "The rule says no gregarian shall be treated unfairly for who he or she is"

The crowd rumbled with murmurs, acknowledging the confinement created by the soldiers.

"How can we serve this morality among all unless the king himself does not receive justice?"

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