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"You look magnificent" The chief attendant praised the chosen mate of the imperial prince.

"Mag—magnificent?" Jungkook stuttered, nothing of what he regards in the mirror pleases his eyes. He looked much better in his cotton clothes.

"Yes, your highness" The attendant assures, his thin brows frowning a little.

Unsatisfied, jungkook turned towards his first royal guard, "Do i... Do i look normal?"

"Yes" Soonwo replied with a subtle roll of his eyes.

"With these and..." His amber eyes flitted down at his boots. Then continued with his uncomfortable touching on the silk cravat wrapped around his neck beautifully. "These?"

"Those are high boots sir, embellished with true gemstones" The attendant defended his choices immediately.

Jungkook raised his leg to take a good look on his boots, the toe cap shone with small diamonds. "Goodness!"

Soonwo suppressed a laugh and then grimly resumed to his duties, "Thank you for your service, sir yeonryun"

The chief attendant nodded his head at the guard and left the chamber timidly.

"I don't think this is normal" Jungkook panicked.

He wasn't worried about the double breasted waistcoat with tonal designs. Nor the rhinestones sewn on lapels of the jacquard tailcoat.

The eight patterned buttons on the waistcoat held the grey gunmetal chain with crown pendant. The gold tie pin and precious jewels he wore wasn't a concern at all.

His only problem was with the red cravat. It felt suffocating and physically painful to wear it. He wanted it gone. Once it was gone, then some other, maybe waistcoat would seem suffocating. In all, the approach to new outfits was the true suffocation.

"He had made it the least at your request. Appreciate it" Soonwo chided.

"But is this necessary?" He protested, lightly pulling at the silk fabric.

"Yes, your majesty" The tone was aggravating.

"Oh my goddess!" The squeal gave jungkook a flinch.

He spun around and saw the visitors who brought a huge grin on his face. "Meryil. Kinra"

He hugged the two ladies, both of them looking stunning in their pink gowns. Kinra was wearing a white dress with a light pink jacket, her neck was adorned with gold. While Meryil wore a golden scarf.

It's a custom that the spectators attending the coronation of the new sovereign shall wear something of golden shade—in respect to the imperials as gold is the eye color of their wolf. Only imperials hold golden eyes while the commoners are generally silver or blue eyed.

Coronation and wedding. The very two reasons why jungkook is repeatedly wiping his sweats off. Soon after his marriage with the prince, he'll be crowned as the high alpha of werewolves.

Jungkook addressed the presence of Aunga with a polite smile. He even attempted for a hand shake but the other stood like a stone.

He had dressed casually, not much, not less, just a long ethnic shirt and trousers. He had, although, made sure his inked arm was hidden which wasn't quite necessary.

Taking a quick look at them, jungkook said in a sad voice, "You both look...normal"

Kinra and Meryil couldn't decipher if it was a praise or not, so soonwo decided to help with his comment, "Don't worry. It's the greatest compliment you can receive from the to be king"

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