Chapter 1 - The First Agni Kai

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"Rise and fight, Prince Zuko"

"I won't fight you." Eziri's heart was pounding out of her chest. She could see the tears forming in her brother's eyes as he started to shake. I have to do something. She thought.

"You will learn respect" Eziri couldn't watch any further. She tuned out the rest of her father's words as she stepped towards the platform. She had to intervene. She couldn't let this happen. She took another step but was stopped by a hand on her wrist. She turned back around to see her Uncle staring at her with tears in his eyes. He slightly shook his head, telling her not to do this. She was about to speak when she heard Zuko's gut-wrenching scream. Her Uncle let go of her wrist as he closed his eyes and turned his head from the fight. Eziri took a moment before she regained her resolve. With her Uncle now distracted she continued her path to the platform.

She stepped up next to Zuko's collapsed form. He was cradling his face and sobbing. Eziri's heart clenched at the sight. She couldn't bear to see her brother in such pain. Her father glared at her as she stepped in front of her brother. Ozai's fist was still covered in fire, ready to strike again as he stood over his two eldest children.

Eziri didn't say a word. She stood tall in front of her brother and glared back at her father. He narrowed his eyes before extinguishing the fire in his fist and telling Zuko the terms of his banishment. All the while, Eziri didn't move a muscle; silently telling her father that she wouldn't allow him to strike Zuko again. As Ozai finished, he gave once last disgusted look at Zuko before walking off.

The second he was out of sight, Eziri crouched down next to her brother and pried one of his hands away from his face. He looked up at her with a pained expression. Eziri felt her glare melt away as her expression softened and she gently squeezed her brother's hand.

"I'm so sorry Zuzu." She whispered to him.

"You shouldn't have done that Ezi. He could banish you too." Zuko whispered back; his voice hoarse from his screams.

"I should have done more." She said solemnly. Zuko was about to say something but she cut him off as she stood, gently pulling him with her. "Come on, we need to get you to a healer." She wrapped an arm around his shoulder and guided him back towards the palace to the royal physician. The two walked the whole way in silence; both siblings feeling heavy with too many thoughts.

As they arrived, Eziri led Zuko to a bed. Immediately, the healer walked up to the pair and began prepping ointments and bandages for Zuko's face. He kept his gaze on the floor, too ashamed to meet anyone's eyes.

"I'm going to find Uncle." Eziri said as she let go of Zuko's hand and started walking towards the door.

"Wait!" Eziri stopped and turned back around to face her brother. He looked at her with an unreadable expression. He opened his mouth and closed it a few times as though he couldn't find the right words to say.

"Zuko what--"

"Thank you." He cut her off. She couldn't help the guilt that crept into her heart. How could he thank me? Look at what father did. I could have stopped it. I SHOULD HAVE stopped it.

Eziri didn't acknowledge his words as she turned around and muttered "I'll be back soon." before leaving.


Eziri did want to find her Uncle, that much was true. However, she needed to be alone for a moment. She couldn't let herself break down in front of Zuko. She had to be strong for him. But now she could feel her strength cracking and all she wanted was to collapse into a fit of sobs.

Eziri rushed through the palace, not sparing any of the servants a second glance as she made a beeline to her bedroom. She practically sprinted into her room and slammed the door shut behind her. She locked the door and leaned her forehead up against it, attempting to take long, deep breaths as the panic started to seep in.

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