Chapter 28 - The Avatar State

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The Gaang, minus Eziri, stood before Master Pakku, preparing to leave the ship. He handed Katara and Aang small gifts as they bid their farewells. Eziri sat atop Appa's saddle, waiting for her friends to join.

"Hey, aren't you going to say goodbye to your best friend?" Eziri peeked over the saddle and saw Haruk standing there looking smug.

"I'd hardly call you my best friend."

"Fine. Your best-looking friend."

"Ehh. Second best."

Haruk's jaw dropped and he barked out a laugh. "Ok. Second best looking friend." Eziri cracked a smile and jumped down from the saddle.

"You gonna miss me?"

"Lots." Haruk pulled her into a quick hug. "I actually wanted to give you something." Haruk reached into his pocket and pulled out a small hairpin with the water tribe symbol on it. "This was Yue's." He said sadly.

Eziri felt her heart stop for a minute. "W-what?" She shook her head. "Haruk, I can't take that."

"She'd want you to have it." He put the pin in her hand. She looked up at him, shocked by his words. "Oh, come on. Of course I knew about you two. Yue told me about some super secret lover but she wouldn't give me a name. I put the pieces together when she passed by us that day after training."


"For what it's worth? You would've been a much better partner than Hahn."

Eziri scoffed. "A melting snowman would've been a better partner than Hahn."

Haruk chuckled. "Yeah, you're right about that." He sighed and looked at the other water tribesman. "I should get going. Stay safe out there, princess. I hope we see each other again someday."

"Yeah, me too. Goodbye Haruk." The pair shared one last hug and Haruk boarded the ship to depart with the other water tribesman.

Eziri and her friends all got on the bison and flew off to their next destination. Eziri isolated herself at the back of the saddle and buried her nose in one of her books. Her friends chatted quietly with each other at the front, trying to give Eziri her space. She pulled out the hairpin from Haruk and secured it in her hair, just below her ponytail. Her hair hid it from view, but she could still feel it there–a silent reminder of the beautiful Water Tribe princess that she sorely missed.

Not long after they left the shore, a large earth fortress appeared in the distance.

"There it is!" Sokka called out. The team landed at the base and were immediately greeted by General Fong and his soldiers.

"Welcome, Avatar Aang! I am General Fong, and welcome, to all of you great heroes! Appa, Momo, brave Sokka, the mighty Katara...." Fong looked over Eziri but didn't say anything.

"Mighty Katara? I like that."

A display of fireworks suddenly launched into the sky.

"Not bad, not bad." Sokka commented.

The group followed General Fong into the base where he brought them to a large gathering room.

"Avatar Aang, we were all amazed at the stories of how you single handedly wiped out an entire Fire Navy fleet at the North Pole. I can't imagine what it feels like to wield such devastating power. It's an awesome responsibility."

"I try not to think about it too much."

"Avatar, you're ready to face the Fire Lord now."

"What? No I'm not!"

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