Chapter 25 - The Siege of the North, Part One

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Sokka, Aang, and Katara sat in a small restaurant by a window. Aang and Katara chatted excitedly about their waterbending training. Sokka pushed his food around his plate and stared broodingly out the window.

"Okay, spill. What's up?" Katara asked Sokka. He didn't seem to notice she was talking to him. She waved her hand in front of his face. "Sokka."

"Hm? What?"

"What's wrong? You've barely touched your food."

"He's upset because he waited too long to tell Eziri he liked her and now she's with Yue." Aang said simply before slurping another bite of his noodles. The Water Tribe siblings just stared at him. "What? I know things!" He said defensively.

"Is that true?" Katara asked her brother.

"Whatever. It doesn't matter." Sokka sighed dramatically.

Katara looked out the window and saw Eziri walking with a Water Tribe boy. The pair were laughing and smiling with each other. "Um...are you sure she's with Yue? She seems pretty cozy with that guy." Katara pointed to their friend. Aang leaned over to see out the window and Sokka did the same.

"No, that's just Haruk. We met him today during warrior training. Besides, he's not her type anyway." Sokka went back to pushing his food around.

"What makes you say that?" Katara asked curiously.

"Because he's a guy."

Katara looked at her brother with confusion. "Right....but why does that matter?"

"Eziri likes girls." Sokka said sadly. Katara burst out laughing. Aang and Sokka gave her a weird look.

"Sokka I love you, but you're such an idiot."

"Why is Sokka an idiot?" Aang asked.

"Eziri likes both!" Katara continued to laugh. "She likes guys too."

Sokka sat up straight and whipped his head towards Eziri and Haruk. By now, the pair were almost out of sight and he was hit with a pang of jealousy.

"How do you know?" Sokka asked quickly.

"She told me."

Sokka's mind started racing. All the sadness and hopelessness he felt the past few days suddenly went away. He was wrong–he still had a shot with her. Aang and Katara watched Sokka silently freak out with amusement. They shared a knowing look.

"Go get her." Aang said to Sokka. Sokka looked between his friends then back at Eziri's disappearing figure. He jumped up out of his seat, threw on his parka, and ran after the young firebender.

On Eziri's walk back to her hut, a Water Tribe man stopped her.

"Are you Princess Eziri?" He asked. Eziri covertly moved her hand to her hip, slipping her fingers beneath the fabric so she could grab a knife if necessary. Haruk quirked a brow at her action.

"I am," She answered as she eyed the man suspiciously. He pulled a piece of paper out of his coat and held it out in front of him.

"This arrived for you." Eziri took the paper from his hand.

"Thank you." He nodded and walked away. She looked after him suspiciously. Who would possibly send her mail at the North Pole?

"Wow, someone's parnoid" Haruk joked. Eziri huffed.

"Sorry, I've spent the past few weeks concealing my identity so it's still a little weird having strangers know who I am."

Haruk hummed in understanding. "Alright, well I should get home. I had fun today, Eziri. Can't wait for our rematch tomorrow."

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