Chapter 26 - The Siege of the North, Part Two

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Eziri stood frozen in the oasis. There was a dull ringing in her ears and she couldn't quite hear anything they were saying.

Zuko is alive.

The phrase kept repeating over and over in her head but she couldn't seem to process it.

Sokka moved in front of Eziri and tried to get her attention. Her eyes were unfocused and she stood eerily still. He placed his hands on her shoulders and lightly shook her.

"Eziri." He shook her again. "Eziri!" She snapped her eyes to his and he saw a tear escape from them. "We need to find Aang. Why don't you stay here with Momo, ok?"

Eziri hesitantly nodded. Sokka gave her a sad smile and joined his sister on Appa. Yue looked between the bison and Eziri.

"Will you be ok on your own?" Yue asked quietly. Eziri nodded.

" should go with them. I....I think I need a minute to myself." Eziri said quietly. Yue took a hesitant step towards her and tucked a loose strand of hair behind Eziri's ear. She slowly leaned towards Eziri and pressed a quick kiss to her lips.

Katara cleared her throat from the saddle to get Yue's attention. Eziri and Yue sheepishly took a step away from each other and Yue climbed up on the saddle

"Guys?" Eziri called before they took off. Her friends all looked her way. Eziri looked wearily at the raging blizzard up the mountain. "P-please save him...I-I don't think I could lose him again."

Sokka gave a curt nod and led Appa into the sky. Eziri sat down on the grass next to Momo. A million thoughts were running through her head and she was utterly exhausted. She was too caught up in her own head to notice the presence behind her.

"Princess Eziri," Eziri felt as though ice ran down her spine. "What a surprise to see you here." Zhao's men grabbed Eziri's arms and roughly pulled her to her feet.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Eziri shouted angrily.

"Becoming a legend, Princess." He spat her title out as though it were an insult. Eziri noticed there were burn marks around his eyes from the hot tea she threw at him. "I'd like to return something of yours." Zhao stepped towards her and hit her over the head with the hilt of a knife. Eziri's vision went fuzzy and she felt dizzy. Zhao's men released their grip and she fell forward onto the grass.

"Pathetic." Zhao spat on the ground next to her and tucked the knife back into his belt.

Eziri gingerly reached her hand up to the cut on her head. She could feel a bit of blood, but it felt small. Zhao turned his attention away from her and stepped towards the pond. Eziri watched him as he pulled out one of the fish and stuffed it into a bag. Almost instantly, the sky went dark as the moon turned a deep red. Eziri realized there was a reason this place was so spiritually charged–the little fish in that bag was the moon spirit.

She huffed out a sharp breath, blowing the loose strands of hair out of her face, and launched forward. She tackled Zhao to the ground and the bag fell out of his hands onto the grass. Eziri quickly tried to reach it, but two soldiers gripped her arms.

"You idiots! Let me go! We're all doomed if he kills that fish!" Eziri shook her arms violently in a desperate attempt to escape. One of the soldiers punched her in the gut and she fell to her knees. She let out a strained cough and tried to regain the air that was knocked from her lungs. Zhao grabbed the bag once again and stood in front of Eziri. He sent a swift kick to her face and she was knocked flat on her back with blood dripping from her nose.

She turned to her side and watched as Zhao stepped towards the pond and held up the bag. "I really fucking hate this guy." She muttered to herself.

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