Chapter 16 - Journey to the Great Divide

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Eziri slowly returned to consciousness with a wave of pain. Her head was throbbing, her arm was on fire, and her entire body had some form of a dull ache. She groaned softly and opened her eyes. She felt movement next to her and Sokka popped into her line of sight.

"You're awake," Sokka breathed. She noticed the stars behind his head. She must have stayed unconscious past sunset. Sokka leaned down and gently hugged Eziri. He was so happy to see her finally awake. After landing and setting up camp, the trio had waited with baited breath for Eziri to wake. An hour or so later, Sokka told the younger two to get some rest and continued to wait by Eziri's side.

Although he tried to be gentle, Eziri couldn't hold back the soft cry of pain from Sokka's hug. He quickly pulled back and looked at her with concern.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Did I hurt you?" Sokka hovered his hands over her, worriedly searching for any new injuries. She let out a soft chuckle.

"Sokka, it's alright." Her voice was hoarse and she realized how dry her throat was. Seemingly reading her mind, Sokka picked up a waterskin and handed it to her. She tried to sit up but it felt like someone was stabbing her in her ribs. She flopped back onto the sleeping bag with a grunt.

"Don't try to move. You're hurt pretty badly. Here--" Sokka put a hand behind her head and took back the waterskin, lifting it to her lips. Eziri wiggled her head away and lightly swatted at the waterskin with her good arm.

"Sokka, stop fussing. I can do it myself." She tried to sit up again but Sokka put his hands on her shoulders.

"No." He said sternly. She narrowed her eyes at him. She was about to argue but he continued. "Eziri, be reasonable. You and I both know you're not ok. You can pretend all you want, but I know you're in pain." He sighed and his expression softened. "Please...just...." He ran a hand over his face. "Just let me help you." He saw her hesitation and spoke up again. "You're not weak for accepting help when you need it." At his words, Eziri felt all her emotions bubble to the surface and she wanted to cry.

But Eziri couldn't let herself cry. She couldn't be weak. It was weakness that got her injured in the first place. If she hadn't been weak when fighting Jet and his minions, she could have gotten away. Her pain and her injuries would serve as a reminder. She wouldn't allow this to happen again. This time it was her who got hurt, but what if it was one of her friends next time? I won't let that happen. I have to be strong. She decided.

Eziri sighed and allowed Sokka to fuss for now. She could fight him tomorrow. He brought the water skin back to her lips. She took slow sips and handed it back to Sokka. Eziri looked down at her broken arm and winced.

"How bad is it?" She asked with a nod towards her arm. Sokka frowned.

"Katara said it could take a month or two to heal. We should get you to a healer in the next town just to be sure." Eziri groaned and dropped her head back onto the ground.

"Eziri, I'm not compromising this time," Sokka said with a serious expression. She just looked at him with mild confusion. "Last time we agreed you would take it easy, that went out the window within the first five minutes. I won't let that happen again. Not this time."

Eziri rolled her eyes. "Honestly, Sokka, I'm too exhausted to argue with you right now. Can we circle back to this in the morning?"

Sokka chuckled a bit. It was good to see her back to her sassy, sarcastic self. Watching the dazed look in her eye and hearing the slur of her words had scared him more than he was willing to admit. "Fine. Get some rest. We're heading towards the Great Divide in the morning."

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