Chapter 39 - The Drill

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Eziri, Sokka, Toph, and Katara escorted the refugees towards the outer wall of Ba Sing Se. They didn't have much travel left and they were all excited to see the city.

"So have you guys ever been to Ba Sing Se?" Eziri asked her friends.

"Uh..Sokka and I never left the South Pole before we met Aang."

"Right...sorry." Eziri turned to the earthbender. "Toph?"

"You met my parents. Do you really think they'd let me travel to Ba Sing Se?"

"Yeah...I guess that was a dumb question." They continued walking in silence for a few moments. "Isn't anyone gonna ask me if I've been to Ba Sing Se?"

"Eziri, your father is the Fire Lord. I think it's pretty obvious you haven't vacationed in Ba Sing Se." Sokka said.

Eziri huffed. "Well you don't know that for sure."

"Okay, so have you been to Ba Sing Se?"

"" Eziri mumbled quietly.

"Sometimes I wonder why you're my favorite." Toph grumbled.

"Hey!" Eziri crossed her arms. "I was just trying to make conversation." Eziri thought for a minute. "What's everyone's favorite color?"

"Blue." Katara said simply.

"A little on the nose, isn't it?" Eziri joked. Katara just shrugged. "Well mine is blue too. But like an ocean blue, you know? Deep sea blue." She turned to her boyfriend. "Sokka?"

" yellow-ish gold."

Katara smirked at her brother. "So amber?"

Sokka avoided eye contact. "Uh..yeah. I guess."

Eziri and Katara shared a knowing look. "What about you, Toph?" Katara asked. Eziri slapped her forehead.

"You're joking, right?" Katara realized her mistake and cringed.

"Sorry..." She said guiltily. Toph barked out a laugh. "It's like you guys try to forget I'm blind!" She continued to laugh and the others joined in. They stopped when they saw Aang fly over on his glider.

"Aang, what are you doing here? I thought you were looking for Appa." Katara said, slightly confused.

"I was, but something stopped me. Something big."

Aang led them to the outer wall. He and Toph formed an earth platform for everyone and used their bending to lift it up the wall.

"Now what's so big that Appa has to wait?" asked Sokka.

"That." Aang pointed to a massive black drill in the distance. The red Fire Nation insignia was clear as day. Eziri swallowed heavily at the sight. Fire Nation inventions never ceased to amaze her. She just wished her father wasn't the one in charge of all these inventions.

"We made it to Ba Sing Se and we're still not safe. No one is!" Ying cried. She held her baby tighter.

"What are you people doing here? Civilians aren't allowed on the wall!" An earthbending guard came rushing over.

"I'm the Avatar. Take me to whoever is in charge." The group parted ways with Ying and her family. The guard led the teens to General Sung at the center of the wall.

"It is an honor to welcome you to the Outer Wall, young Avatar, but your help is not needed."

"Not needed?"

"Not needed. I have the situation under control. I assure you the Fire Nation cannot penetrate this wall. Many have tried to break through it, but none have succeeded."

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