Chapter 5 - The Southern Air Temple

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"Wait 'til you see it, Katara! The Air Temple is one of the most beautiful places in the world!" Eziri was standing off to the side, watching Aang excitedly describe the temple to Katara. Both Katara and Sokka had tried to prepare Aang for what he might find at the temple. Eziri knew it wouldn't be pleasant. Her great grandfather was the one responsible for everything that happened to Aang's people. She couldn't help but feel partially responsible herself.

So she remained silent as they discussed the Temple. She wasn't even sure if it was right for her to visit the temple. How could she? Her own family was responsible for the destruction.

Eziri was pulled from her thoughts by Sokka's shouts.

"Get it off! Get it off!" he yelled as he hopped around in his sleeping bag.

"Great! You're awake! Let's go!" Aang said cheerfully.

Eziri helped the group finish packing up Appa's saddle....well she helped as much as she could with her wrists bound. Sokka had insisted on keeping her hands tied. The ropes had yet to leave her wrists. Aang and Katara tried to convince Sokka he was being ridiculous, but Eziri just waved them off. She too was irritated by his stubbornness, but she would do whatever it took to earn Sokka's trust.

Once the saddle was packed, the four of them started to climb up onto Appa. Eziri was having a hard time doing so with her bound wrists. After watching her struggle for a minute or two in amusement, Sokka finally relented and stretched his hand out to her. Eziri eyed his hand for a moment and scoffed.

"I'm fine. Just give me a second." She grumbled. Eziri once again tried and failed to make it up onto the saddle. Sokka rolled his eyes and stretched his hand out farther.

"C'mon. Stop being so stubborn." Eziri glared at him and mumbled 'You're one to talk' under her breath before reluctantly taking his hand. Sokka reached his other arm down, grabbed both her hands in his, and pulled her up into the saddle. Once Ezi was situated she mumbled a quick 'thanks' to him.


After flying for a while, Eziri heard growling sounds from Sokka's place in the saddle. She looked over at him and raised a brow but he ignored her as he dug through his bag.

"Hey, stomach? Be quiet, all right? I'm trying to find us some food." He continued to rummage in his bag before taking out a smaller bag and staring wide-eyed when he discovered it was empty.

"Hey! Who ate all of my blubbered seal jerky?!" Sokka demanded. He looked over to Eziri with a pointed look and she just angrily stared back at him.

"Don't look at me!" Eziri said defensively.

"Oh. That was food? I used it to start the campfire last night. Sorry." Aang explained from his place on Appa's head. Eziri smirked and shot Sokka an 'I told you so' look.

"You what?! Ugh... no wonder the flames smelled so good."

Eziri just rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to her wrists. The rope was starting to rub away the skin on her wrists and she could see the red rings beneath the ropes. The longer they stayed on, the harder it got to ignore the sharp pain in her wrists every time she moved. She sat back against the saddle and tried to take her mind off it by staring at the clouds.

I wonder how Zuko and Uncle are doing. She thought to herself.


"An Agni Kai. At sunset." Zuko stated angrily.

"Very well. It's a shame your father wont be here to watch me humiliate you. I guess your Uncle will do." Zhao turned to leave but stopped in his tracks. "It will be interesting to see how you manage without your little sister's protection." Zhao turned back around to face Zuko. "By the way, how is our dear Princess Eziri? There hasn't been much word of her back at the Fire Nation. Last I heard, she was traveling with you." Why did he even care? He hated Zhao. He hated the thought of Zhao even going near his sister. He was still furious with her, but he would be damned if he let someone like Zhao hurt her.

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