Chapter 45 - Captured

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Eziri didn't know how the hell her sister managed to get inside the palace, but she didn't have time to find out. She took a few quiet steps backwards, fully prepared to sprint the second she was out of sight. She went to turn around but came face-to-face with a Kyoshi Warrior. Only when she stared into the girl's eyes did she realize it was actually Ty Lee. Eziri registered the danger too late and Ty Lee chi-blocked her before she could react. Eziri's eyes went wide with panic as she slumped to the floor.

"We have a problem." Ty Lee called down the hall. Mai and Azula came running out of the throne room and saw Eziri's limp form on the floor. Azula rolled her eyes at the sight.

"You just have to ruin everything, don't you?" Azula whispered angrily to her sister. She looked around to make sure no one noticed the commotion. "Come on, we need to get her out of here." Ty Lee and Mai scooped Eziri up by her arms and started dragging her down the hall.

"Azula, whatever you're planning, you won't get away with it." Eziri warned. Azula scoffed.

"Like you could stop me?" Azula mocked.

"Azula, please–"

"Shut up!" Azula hissed. "Tie her up in our room. Keep chi-blocking her so she doesn't get away." Azula looked around. "I have a plan but we must keep her hidden, understand?" Ty Lee and Mai nodded. Azula saw no one around and motioned for her friends to leave.

Eziri wasn't sure how long she spent in the girls' room, but she was sure it was at least overnight. Ty Lee made sure to chi-block her often enough to make sure Eziri couldn't escape. The firebender was stuck lying on the floor like a useless sack of grain. She was mentally kicking herself for even getting caught. Her sister was about to take down the Earth Kingdom Capital and she couldn't do anything to stop it. Not to mention, her friends were all going their separate ways and had no idea what was coming. How could she protect them if she was stuck in the Palace?

"Why is it that you have the worst timing imaginable?" Azula said with a hint of annoyance. She sat down on the bed, across from her sister. Eziri was lying on the floor with her head facing the bed. She could just barely see Azula in her peripheral vision.

"Oh, you know. I just love ruining your life." Eziri grumbled sarcastically. Azula scoffed. "Why did you let me escape the last time we were together?" Eziri asked. Azula narrowed her eyes at her sister and didn't say anything. "Oh, come on. You and I both know you'd never leave a prisoner unattended like that. I only got away because you let it happen."

"Well don't expect it to happen again." Azula crossed her arms over her chest.

"You didn't answer my question. Why did you do it? You could've sent me back to the Fire Nation. I could be in prison–or even dead by now. But you didn't turn me in."

"Don't act like I did you some big favor. I told father you're helping the Avatar."

"I figured." Eziri sighed. So her suspicion was right about the wanted poster–her father knew the truth. "Why hasn't he branded me a traitor? Why did he lie on the wanted poster?"

"I don't know." Eziri huffed in annoyance. "I'm serious. I don't know." Azula repeated. "He said he wanted you returned to the Fire Nation quietly. I'm not sure why."

Eziri furrowed her brows. Yet again, she couldn't make sense of her father's actions. "You still haven't answered my original question. Why did you let me go? Surely father would have rewarded you or something for turning me in."

"Maybe I didn't want to be directly responsible for my sister's execution."

"Bull. If father executed me, you wouldn't blame yourself. I want the truth."

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