Chapter 2 - Heir to the Throne

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*Knock knock knock*

Eziri woke to harsh knocks on her bedroom door. She hadn't been able to sleep last night, unable to silence her thoughts for more than a few minutes at a time.

*Knock knock knock*

Ugh. She thought. She could feel the early morning sun peeking through her blinds and she knew it was probably time to leave. Still, she couldn't bring herself to get out of bed just yet.

"For spirits' sake Ezi! Wake up!" Her brother's voice sounded from outside her door. It was barely morning and he was already angry. Great.

*Knock knock knock knock*

The knocks sounded louder this time and Eziri groaned.

"That's it!" Eziri heard Zuko mutter before her door was shoved open. Eziri didn't even turn her head as she heard footsteps move towards her bed. She felt someone pick up a pillow from her bed and throw it right at her head.

"Hey!" Eziri sat up and glared at her brother.

"Oh so you ARE alive. Good to know." Zuko deadpanned. "Get up."

Eziri groaned again and plopped back onto her pillow.

Zuko picked up the pillow and threw it at her with more force this time.

"Get. up." He said, his voice sounding more annoyed this time. Sometimes Eziri would mess with him just to get a reaction, but this was not one of those times. Her whole body ached, she couldn't quell her anxiety, and her head felt heavy. Even so, she knew she had to try and be strong for Zuko. She looked up at him and saw the bandages over his eye. My fault. She thought to herself. Her stomach churned at the thought.

"Spirits, Ezi! Are you going to lay there and stare at me all day? We need to go! Uncle said you're coming with us so get up!" He shouted. Eziri winced and shut her eyes tightly before composing herself in an attempt to hide it from her brother. He noticed and frowned at her reaction, feeling slightly guilty.

"Okay, okay. I'm getting up, relax." Eziri grumbled as she slowly stood up. She felt her legs shake and she stumbled a bit before Zuko gripped her arms and steadied her with wide eyes.

"You look terrible. Are you alright?" He asked, his voice calmer and laced with concern.

"I'm fine." She said quickly as she stood up straight and started towards her dresser. The events of yesterday were weighing heavily on her and she was struggling to stay strong. Zuko dropped his hands but kept his gaze on her as she stepped away. "I'll meet you at the docks in 20 minutes, alright?" Eziri turned around and met his gaze. His face still held the same look of concern.

"Ezi, seriously what's--"

"I'm fine, Zuko. Now get out. I need to get dressed." She said blankly as she waved her hand dismissively and started pulling her clothes out of her wardrobe.

Zuko sighed, deciding to have this conversation later, and left her room.


Eziri was sitting in her room on the ship, surrounded by her bags. She sat there staring at her room--her new home for who knows how long. She knew she should probably start to unpack but she still wasn't feeling well. Her heart ached with the overwhelming guilt of everything that happened. Should she tell Zuko? How would she even explain this to him? He would never forgive her if he knew what Ozai was planning. She couldn't take the throne from him. She wouldn't.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock on her door.

"Enter" She said quietly.

Uncle Iroh slowly walked in, carrying a tray of lavender tea. The smell touched her nose immediately and she couldn't help but smile at her Uncle's thoughtfulness. He would always bring her favorite tea when she wasn't feeling well and today was no different.

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