Chapter 3 - The Boy in the Iceberg

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A/N: The past couple chapters have acted as a prologue of sorts. This chapter is where we start following the ATLA timeline a bit more.

Three Years Later

On the deck of the ship, Iroh sat at a pai sho board, contemplating his next move. Eziri was in her training clothes, sparring in hand-to-hand combat with one of the crew mates. Zuko was standing at the railing, looking in the distance.

All of a sudden, a beam of light burst up into the sky. Zuko's eyes widen as he stares at the light.

"Finally!" Zuko exclaimed.

At Zuko's voice, Eziri turned her focus to the light and failed to block the punch that was coming straight for her face. Her sparring partner landed a hit right to her jaw. Eziri cried out in pain and clutched her face.

"Shit! Princess I'm so sorry!" Eziri continued to rub her jaw and rolled her eyes.

"Relax, Ju. It was my fault. I got distracted. We're done for today." She bowed, and turned to walk towards her uncle. Zuko sent Ju a glare before turning his attention back to his family.

"Uncle, Ezi, do you realize what this means?"

"I won't get to finish my game?" Iroh asks. Zuko rolls his eyes and turns his attention back to the light.

"It means my search is about to come to an end." Zuko says hopefully.

"Zuzu I don't--"

"That light came from an incredibly powerful source! It has to be him!" Zuko cut Eziri off before she could discourage his excitement.

"Or it's just the celestial lights. We've been down this road before, Prince Zuko. I don't want you to get too excited over nothing. Please, sit. Why don't you two enjoy a cup of calming Jasmine tea?"

"Actually, I'd love--"

"I don't need any calming tea! Helmsman, head a course for the light!" Zuko starts to stalk off before turning back to Eziri.

"You need to get your face checked by the healer." Eziri turns around and looks at him with annoyance.

"Oh please." She waves her hand dismissively. "It's nothing." She turns back around to Iroh but is interrupted by Zuko.

"Ezi." He says sternly. She sighs and turns back around to him.

"Fine." She mutters and starts walking towards the infirmary. As she's walking away she grumbles "I hate when you get all big brother on me." Zuko just rolled his eyes in response.


"I'm going to bed now." Iroh says with a yawn. Zuko was still on deck staring into the distance. "Yep, a man needs his rest." Iroh waits a moment before continuing. "Prince Zuko, you need some sleep. Even if you're right, and the Avatar is alive, you won't find him. Your father, grandfather and great-grandfather all tried and failed."

"Because their honor didn't hinge on the Avatar's capture. Mine does. This coward's hundred years in hiding are over." Iroh sighed and turned to walk back inside. Eziri was standing farther down the deck watching the interaction. After Iroh left she walked up and stood next to Zuko, leaning against the railing.

He spared her a quick glance and noticed the deep shade of purple spreading along the left side of her jaw. He made a mental note to return the favor to Ju tomorrow.

"What did the healer say?" Zuko broke the silence. Eziri rolled her eyes.

"That it's nothing. You know, like I said earlier." She said, annoyed. Zuko narrowed his eyes and retorted.

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