Chapter 48 - The Awakening

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When they took over the Fire Nation ship, Eziri couldn't sleep for days. It was all too familiar; too much of a reminder of the three years she spent at sea. Even the interior of the ship was almost exactly like Zuko's old cruiser. The Fire Nation banners on the wall made her sick and the dark, metal room made her feel empty. She spent most of her time laying in bed, staring at the wall, and absentmindedly twirling the bracelet around her wrist.

Her friends had tried to talk to her on a number of occasions—all unsuccessfully. No one really knew what to do. Eventually, Eziri would go through the motions of the day. She'd sit in the dining hall with the others, silently picking at her food. She'd walk around the deck and look out at the ocean. She'd spend time with her friends without actually being present. And when she felt she'd met her quota of 'normalcy', she would sit in her room doing nothing but reliving every mistake she's ever made.

Sokka had tried everything to get her to speak. He tried making jokes. He tried asking her what she was feeling. He tried just talking to her without expecting a response, but nothing seemed to work. One time he even tried a fake fall over the railing. But Eziri was too caught up in her own thoughts to notice and Katara had to use her bending to pull her brother out of the ocean.

A week went by. Then another. Soon enough, everyone was on edge. Between dodging other Fire Nation ships, Aang's unconscious state, and Eziri acting like a zombie, things were pretty tense. No one could really think of a way to improve their situation.

In Fire Nation waters, not far from where Team Avatar sailed their stolen ship, Zuko stood on the deck of his own ship. He looked out over the water, nothing really visible besides the stars in the sky.

The events of Ba Sing Se stuck in his mind. Zuko kept thinking about how disappointed his uncle was when he betrayed him. Then there was the look on his uncle's face when he saw Eziri, lying still on the ground. Zuko had never seen him so hurt and angry.

He also couldn't stop thinking about the image of the Avatar, falling lifelessly out of the sky. Sure, the kid was the Fire Nation's biggest enemy, but—no. Zuko thought. It had to be done. He told himself. He couldn't sit there and mourn the death of the Avatar when that was the sole reason he was even on a Fire Nation ship, headed back home.

Home. Zuko wanted to be happy that he was finally on his way to the palace. But he couldn't shake the nerves he felt. After all these years, he would see his father again. What would his father think? Would he turn Zuko away? Name him as his heir once and for all?

Zuko's mind drifted to something Eziri told him months ago: Father doesn't want you to go home. Was Eziri telling the truth? Did his father really send him after the Avatar just to get him out of the picture?

"Aren't you cold?" Zuko was pulled from his thoughts as Mai approached.

"I've got a lot on my mind. It's been so long, over three years since I was home. I wonder what's changed. I wonder how I've changed."

Mai yawned. "I just asked if you were cold. I didn't ask for your whole life story." Zuko frowned at her sarcasm and she laughed. "Stop worrying." She held his face and pressed her lips to his. When she leaned back, she could see he was still deep in thought. "It's Eziri, isn't it?"

Zuko turned away and leaned his elbows on the railing.

"Zuko, you and Azula did what had to be done. It's not your fault she chose to fight against you."

"Still. She was my best friend." He said sadly. "I wish she were going home with us right now. I wish things didn't end so..." he trailed off and shook his head. He couldn't get Eziri's scream out of his mind. He couldn't stop picturing the way that her eyes dulled—as though all hope was lost. That day would haunt him forever.

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