Chapter 55 - The Puppetmaster

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The group settled in the forest around a small campfire. They had made good progress on traveling and decided to stay up telling ghost stories by the fire. So far, Sokka told a handful that only served to bore the others. Once he finished his most recent tale, Eziri yawned and Aang sighed.

"I think I like 'the man with the sword for a hand' better." He grumbled.

"Water Tribe slumber parties must stink." Toph added.

"I would tell a Fire Nation scary story but I feel like you guys would find it more traumatizing than scary." Eziri shrugged. The group all stared blankly at her for a moment.

Katara cleared her throat and offered another story. Unlike her brother's, Katara's story was indeed scary. By the time she was finished, Sokka, Aang, and Eziri were all clutching onto each other in fear. Toph just sat by the fire, seemingly unphased.

Suddenly, the young earthbender gasped and sat up straight. "Wait! Guys, did you hear that? I hear people under the mountain." She paused for a moment, looking startled. "And they're screaming."

Sokka relaxed. "Pfft! Nice try."

"No, I'm serious. I hear something."

"You're probably just jumpy from the ghost stories..." Katara suggested nervously.

"I don't know about you guys, but if there's one thing I've learned by now, it's to trust Toph's instincts." Eziri had her hand clutched around one of her knives, glancing around at the forest.

"It just...stopped." Toph said in confusion.

"All right, now I'm getting scared." Aang said quietly.

"Hello, children." Everyone shouted in terror and they all lept up beside each other. Sokka held his sword out and Eziri blindly threw a knife at the intruder, missing the woman's shoulder by a few inches.

"Sorry to frighten you. My name is Hama." Eziri loosened the grip she had on her next knife but kept her hand close to her belt should she need to throw another. "You children shouldn't be out in the forest by yourselves at night. I have an inn nearby. Why don't you come back there for some spiced tea and warm beds?"

"Yes please." Sokka said with a sheepish grin.

The group gathered their things and followed the woman into the nearby village where she led them to her inn. Eziri thought she caught the old woman glaring a few times, but she brushed it off. It was late and the firebender was probably just being paranoid.

Over tea, they all exchanged introductions. Eziri used her 'code name' Lin and the old woman eyed her suspiciously but didn't comment. Hama then explained that people have been disappearing in the woods during the full moon. Regardless of the woman's assurances, everyone went to sleep with a bit of unease.

The next morning, Hama asked the kids to accompany her into town for some shopping. It seemed that Katara got along with her best and the pair trailed ahead of the group, chatting animatedly to one another. Eziri didn't mind the distance from Katara as the young waterbender still seemed angry after Eziri burned Sokka.

Additionally, Hama hadn't spoken a word to Eziri. The young girl wasn't sure what she did to upset the innkeeper, but those scathing looks from the previous night continued into the next day. Unsure of what else to do, Eziri kept her distance and stuck close to the others.

"People disappearing in the woods, weird stuff happening during full moons? This just reeks of Spirit World shenanigans." Sokka piped up. He, Aang, and Eziri were each carrying a basket following Katara and Hama. Toph trailed beside them, not carrying anything after making Eziri do it.

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