Chapter 31 - Return to Omashu

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***6 Years Ago***

Eziri was skipping through the palace with a book clutched to her chest. She was making her way over to the turtle duck pond for some alone time.

"Girls are crazy!" Eziri heard her brother shout as she approached the courtyard. Her brother stomped around the corner soaking wet and brushed past her without a word. She couldn't help the giggle that escaped her lips at the sight of him.

Curious, Eziri continued towards the courtyard and peeked around the corner to see what all the commotion was about. Her mother was lecturing Azula and Mai was soaking wet by the fountain. Eziri shook her head at the sight. It was pretty clear Azula was behind this. Eziri crept into the courtyard and made her way over to Mai.

She placed her book on the ledge of the fountain and linked her arm with Mai's. Mai looked reluctant to be so close to Eziri but she didn't say anything.

"Come on, let's go get you dried off." Eziri started walking towards the exit of the courtyard. "You can borrow some of my clothes." Mai walked alongside Eziri, grateful for the help. As they passed Azula and Ty Lee, Mai stuck her tongue out at the pair.

Eziri led Mai through the palace halls and into her room. She unlooped her arm with Mai's and went straight to her bathroom.

"Here." Eziri came out of the bathroom holding a towel. Mai accepted it gratefully. Eziri started rummaging through her wardrobe for something that would fit Mai. She picked out simple robes that looked similar to what Mai already had on. Eziri held up the outfit in front of Mai.

"Is this alright?" Mai nodded. "Great. You can get changed in there." Eziri pointed to her bathroom. "I can help fix your hair when you're done."

"Why are you being so nice to me?"

Eziri shrugged. "Why wouldn't I be nice to you?"

Mai really didn't have an answer to that. She always saw Eziri around the palace when she visited Azula, but she never really spent time with her. Sure, Ursa would force Eziri and Zuko to play with Azula and her friends, but that usually didn't last long. It wasn't until today that Mai realized how different Eziri was from her sister.

Without another word, Mai took the clothes from Eziri and went into the bathroom. Eziri waited patiently on her bed while Mai changed. Only a few moments passed when she heard a knock on her door.

"Yes?" Eziri called.

"Princess, it's Mila." Eziri hopped off her bed and rushed to open the door. She ushered Mila inside with a bright smile.

"Eziri, are you–" Mila was cut off as Eziri's bathroom door opened. Mai stood in the threshold, surprised by Mila's appearance. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt."

"It's alright Mila. This is Mai." Mila gave a respectful bow and Mai eyed the other girl disinterestedly. "Azula caused some trouble in the courtyard so I was just helping Mai get a change of clothes."

"Oh, I see."

Eziri ushered Mai over to her vanity and told her to sit. "Ok, let's fix your hair." Eziri started undoing Mai's wet hair and picked up her brush. Mila sat down on Eziri's bed.

Mai's jaw dropped. She'd never seen a servant be so informal with a member of the royal family. She was even more shocked when Eziri didn't reprimand her.

"Um..are you supposed to be sitting there?" Mai asked, slightly offended.

Mila scrunched her brows. "Eziri usually lets me." She started to rise off the bed but Eziri shook her head.

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