Chapter 51 - Sokka's Master, Part One

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The four friends all sat on a hillside, watching a meteor shower. Sokka's arm was around Eziri's shoulder and she was resting her head on his shoulder.

"Wow, this is amazing to watch."

"Kind of makes you realize how insignificant we are."

"How philosophical of you, Sokka." Eziri teased. He shot her a playful glare and turned his head back towards the sky.

"Eh, you've seen nothing once, you've seen it a thousand times."

Suddenly, one of the larger meteors started soaring right towards the ground.

"Oh man, you've never not seen anything like this." Everyone stood and watched in shock as the meteor passed overhead and crashed into the ground. They all ran towards the cliffside to look out over the impact site. A large fire broke out, threatening any nearby homes.

"The fire is gonna destroy that town!" Katara shouted. Eziri was quick to jump onto Appa. She climbed onto his head and took the reins.

"Not if we can stop it!" Aang said. Eziri waited for everyone to hop on and shook the reins. She landed beside the boulder and everyone but Katara jumped off.

"Eziri, there's a creek over there–I'll bend the water onto the fire." Katara pointed in the distance and Eziri nodded. She shook Appa's reins once again and led Katara over to the creek so the waterbender could grab a large pool of water.

Katara swirled her hands around and started to gather a massive amount of water.

"Have I ever mentioned what an amazing bender you are?" Eziri shouted over her shoulder. Katara smirked and continued her work.

"Okay, I think that's all I can hold onto."

"Got it–heading back." Eziri steered Appa back towards the meteor and flew overhead so Katara could release the water over the remaining fire. Aang jumped in and helped Katara stream the water down. He used his airbending to blow an icy breath out, putting out the fire and turning some of the water into snow.

Eziri landed the bison so she and Katara could get down.

"Good work, everybody." Aang said proudly.

Eziri glanced down at the snow and smirked. While her friends were admiring their handiwork, she gathered a bit of snow and formed a snowball. She launched it forward and hit Aang in the back of the head.

"Hey!" He turned around and then realized what happened. Aang smirked back at Eziri and picked up a dozen snowballs with his bending.

Eziri's jaw dropped and she started to back away. "Oh shit." She muttered. Aang began launching snowballs at her and Eziri took off running. "Shit. Shit. Shit. Note to self: don't start a snowball fight with a waterbender!" Aang laughed loudly as Eziri tried to run away.

Katara and Toph joined in the snowball fight, everyone pelting each other as quickly as possible. Sokka stood close to Appa, still feeling down, but watched his friends with mild amusement.

The next day, everyone went into town to get food. Sokka seemed off and Eziri asked him if he was alright a few times, but he kept giving her flat answers and changing the subject. She wanted to figure out what was wrong, but it seemed he wasn't ready to talk about it.

Eziri, Katara, Aang, and Toph all sat at an outdoor table, chatting and munching on their food. Sokka sat on some nearby steps, staring off in the distance.

"These people have no idea how close they were to getting toasted last night." Aang said quietly.

"Yeah, the worst thing about being in disguise is that we don't get the hero worship anymore. I miss the love."

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