Train Ride

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Opening the compartment door, Blaise and I stepped in. Draco and Theo were already sitting down, having small talk. I took the seat close to the window, smiling at Blaise.

"You had the window seat last train ride. It's my turn, Mirs." Blaise put his hands on his hips, not taking the seat next to me.

"Blaise, the ride's only a few hours. Be a good friend, and just take the seat."

"Mira Malfoy— you've had the window seat every train ride since 3rd year. And every year we have the same argument about who gets the seat. It's finally my turn." Blaise starred wide-eyed at me, finally putting his foot down.

I chuckled, standing up and taking the other seat with no problem. "Alright, there. I just like messing with you."

"Anything from the trolley dears?" The Trolley lady, who's name I could never figure out, stopped by. Blaise immediately stood up, 3 gallons in his hand.

"10 chocolate frogs please." I cleared my throat, innocently looking around the second Blaise and I made eye contact. "And a pumpkin pasty."

Blaise handed the lady all his money, accepting the handful of chocolate frogs and a pumpkin pasty.

"Have a nice day!" I greeted, closing the compartment door after she moved onto the next.

Blaise sat down, tossing the pumpkin pasty towards me. The compartment door opened once again— this time, Pansy stepped in. She looked at Blaise and I, then Draco and Theo.

She rolled her eyes, locking eyes with Theo. "Move Theo. I need to speak to Draco. Actually— all of you out."

"We were here first, Parkinson. You can speak to Draco when we get to Hogwarts." Theo gave Pansy attitude, continuing his conversation with Draco.

"I don't have time for this, Theo. Just give us a few minutes."

"Give Draco a few minutes." Blaise had mumbled, munching on a chocolate frog.

"Beat it you three." Draco spoke.

"I have to use the loo anyway." I shrugged, standing up from my seat. Pansy moved aside, allowing me and Blaise out from the compartment. Theo still had a few more words to say to Pansy.

Blaise checked the compartment across from ours. "Ooh! Meet back in here. I'm sure none of us wanna step back into that compartment."

I nodded, looking left and right for the bathrooms. This is my 5th year— how do I not know? It's whatever. Left it is.

Walking through the isle, a door opened— someone almost colliding into me. "Oh! I'm

I awkwardly cleared my throat, looking away from Harry. "Um... sorry, go ahead." He stepped back into his compartment, waiting for me to go past.


Harry and I were never really on good terms. 1, because I'm a Malfoy, basically meaning I'm the enemy. And 2, I'm Draco's sister. That's at least what I would think was the problem.

Number 2 is mainly the reason Harry isn't a big fan of me. Ever since 1st year, we always started off on the wrong impression of each other.

Draco was a complete git towards Harry after he basically rejected Draco's offer in friendship. I on the other hand, continued to treat Harry with respect even if he treated me with the opposite.

Being totally honest, while being sorted into houses, I wished more than anything to be a part of Gryffindor. I always admired Harry's friendship with Hermione and Ron.

No, I never called Hermione a "Mudblood" or Ron "Poor". Obviously, they're more than that. I couldn't just say that to them because they would never give me a chance.

Being judged by people who don't know anything about who you truly are isn't a nice feeling.

I finish in the loo, finding my way back to Blaise. Our blinds on our little window weren't down, so when we saw Pansy come out— fixing her hair, Blaise snickered.

"Took longer than 3 minutes. New record for Draco."

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Chapter to get to know Mira, and her relationship with Harry.

Welcome to the first chapter <3


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