Nothing More

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Blaise and I were over at Hogsmeade, shopping through clothing stores. We were both searching for a nice outfit for this years Yule Ball.

It's been a few days since Harry and I discussed this. Well, there wasn't really a bunch that we discussed.

But, still no date. I'm still gonna go, obviously, but what's the point exactly if I don't have a date?

What're you saying, Mira, you literally told Harry the opposite of that.

Wait— I don't need a date. Nor do I need a man to keep me happy. But, merlin do I wish to have those.

"Okay, how about this? Dressy? Or too dressy?" I examined the suit Blaise had picked out for the third time.

"With the truffles in the front, too dressy. But without, I'd definitely get it."

"Yeah, me too." Blaise bit his lip, hanging up the suit. I continued to stare at the ground, lost in my thoughts. "Hey, you alright?"

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

"You just seem to be zoning out every other second. Anything on your mind that's been bothering you?"

"I don't have a date to the Yule Ball. Isn't that depressing?"

"Well, I wouldn't say depressing. Plus, I don't think you'll be the only one without a date."

"You have a date? With who?"

Blaise had started to smile, and pulled my arm away from a group of girls to give us more privacy. "Promise you won't make fun of me?"

"Yeah, of course— promise."

"Luna Lovegood."

Blaise and Luna? Holy cricket—

"Luna? Really? How'd you pull her?" Blaise looked at me with a straight face, making me laugh. "I'm only joking. But I am pretty shocked you're going with Luna. She's a spectacular girl, so don't try anything, Zabini."

"Don't gotta tell me. I'm really excited. Yeah, I've been with a few girls, but over the past few weeks, I've felt as if there's a connection between me and her."

"She must be very special to you."

Blaise chuckled, "What about you? You meet anyone who's like a Luna to you?"

"Mmm, not really— no."

"What about... Potter?"

"Harry? No— no way."

"Mirs, I've seen the way you act towards each other. The way he literally adores you while you teach students at our meetings. The way you practically drool over him whenever he walks into a room.

"You didn't worry about having a date to the Yule Ball before your little "study" session with Harry, but now you're overthinking the fact of going without a date. If you want one so bad, ask Harry to be your date.

"And the fact you didn't interrupt or disagree with anything I just said mentioning Potter, it's obviously true. You like him."

"I never said I like Harry. Nor, will I ever. I mean, it's Harry we're talking about. Me and him... it doesn't feel right."

"What? Because you're a Malfoy, and he's a Potter? Cause you're Slytherin, and he's Gryffindor? Mira, none of those matter. What matters is how you truly feel about that person. Just because you two are way opposite from each other, doesn't mean the relationship and tension between you two obviously show more than friendship."

Could Blaise be right? I mean, could there possibly be more than just friends between Harry and I?

"No. There could never be anything more. Nothing more."


"What would you do if you feel yourself gain feelings for someone you shouldn't have?"

Hermione stopped in her tracks, "What did you do, Harry?"

"Nothing! I'm just asking a simple question, is all. But seriously— what do I do?"

Ron and Hermione glanced at each other. "Mate, who's the girl?"

I looked passed the two standing in front of me, watching as Mira and Blaise stepped out of a dress shop. Mira had laughed at something Blaise said. Her smile was bright; definitely the kind to light up a depressing room.

It's funny. Mira's a Malfoy. Draco's twin sister. But the girl is so much more than what you first think of her. She's smart, respectful, very kind, very... pretty.

"I think I'm falling for someone I shouldn't be falling for."

Ron and Hermione followed my gaze, watching Mira and Blaise step into another shop. Their jaws were dropped when they both looked back at me.

"Harry, you're not serious, right? That's Mira Malfoy you're talking about."

"I know who I'm talking about, Hermione." The memory of what Mira and I agreed on when we first established Dumbledore's army, swooped it's way into my head.

Nothing can happen. Nothing more than friendship.

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