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Mira walked the crowded corridor, Blaise by her side. They both laughed when they overheard Professor McGonagall catch a student sneaking into the girls lavatory.

"Malfoy, Zabini." Professor McGonagall called the two students over, arms crossed, and stern look. Harry was already standing with her.

"Don't you have somewhere to be?"

"Oh Professor, we've both gotten a free period—" Mira explained.

"Well, I'm sure Professor Slughorn wouldn't mind a few extra students. Potter was just on his way, why don't you three go together, hm?"

Mira glanced at Harry, who was looking away. Ron had joined all three of them. "You too, Weasley." The four students stood awkwardly, waiting for someone to move. "Well what are you waiting for. Get going."

They scurried away, escaping the herd of students. They silently walked to Potions; the awkward tension between Harry and Mira hanging in the air.

Blaise and Ron obviously knew what had happened only a few nights ago. Though they were still a bit buddies, to where they'd glance at each other in the corridor and give a certain look saying, "can this be any awkward?"

Harry and Mira were first to enter the classroom. Slughorn stopped speaking to the class when he noticed new people. "Ah, Mr. Potter, Miss Malfoy. We've brought some people with us, I see."

"Ron Weasley, sir."

"Blaise Zabini, sir."

"Welcome to Potions, you four. Get your books out."

"Sorry, sir, I haven't actually got my book yet, nor has Ron. And neither Mira and Blaise."

"Not to worry. Get what you want from the cupboard."

As Slughorn continued the class, Harry and Ron opened the cupboard, Mira and Blaise grabbing a book. There were only two books left; one newly looking, and the other raggedy, and torn.

The two boys fought over who got the newest looking book, Ron winning.

"And this is Amortentia, the most powerful love potion in the world. It's rumored to smell differently to each person according to what attracts them. For example, I smell... freshly mown grass, new parchment, and spearmint... toothpaste."

Hermione seemed shocked at what she smelt from the Amortentia. Other girls slowly moved toward the cauldron, feeling pulled toward the smell that hit their noses.

Slughorn had put the lid on top; the smell of vanilla disappearing from Harry, and the feeling of being homesick from Mira.


This was impossible. How are we supposed to brew Draught of Living Death if we can't even add one simple ingredient without getting attacked. Beetles flew everywhere, nearly taking Blaise's eye out. Seamus' potion blew up in his face, and Hermione's hair was bushier than ever.

Harry seemed to have it all working out. I, had absolutely no idea what I was doing. Paranoia took over me, making it seem as something bad was gonna happen every time I added a new ingredient.

Draco was trying his best. I could sense he wanted to win over the Liquid Luck more than anything. We sure needed it.

Though, none of us were able to win the potion.

Harry stood proudly next to Slughorn, reaching out to take the Liquid Luck. Slughorn moved his arm further away, still having words to be said.

"So here we are then, as promised. One vial of Felix Felicis. Congratulations. Use it well."

Everyone clapped for Harry, except the Slytherin students. I wanted to applaud him, yes, but it didn't seem right.

Though I was proud of him.

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