Supper Party

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"Are you sure you weren't hearing things? Or imagining crazy stuff?"

"Blaise, I know what I heard. It was Harry's voice. He was talking to me— I was talking to him."

"Okay, okay, what'd you even say to him?"

I sat down, hands in my laps, staring into the fire. "I told him I was in love with him... or at least I think I am."

"Are you sure you think you're in love with him, or are you really in love with Harry?"

"I— I don't know. Maybe it's something similar to what Dumbledore had said. But, reading minds? Speaking to each other through our heads— it's crazy."

"I mean, feeling someone else's pain is also crazy, but here we are. I think you should talk to Dumbledore about this. Better yet, Harry. He's probably feeling the same amount of confusion as you right now, obviously. When was the last time you even talked to him? Face to face."

"When I lied to him, and told him it's best we stay away from each other."

"Oh my— how are you going from 'stay away from me' to 'I'm in love with you'"?

"It just happened! I didn't even process what was happening until it happened and I told him those words. The look on his face— he looked so hurt, but glad?"

"Well, how'd you feel?"

"Relieved. And proud. Though I wished to had actually told him face to face."

"And you still can. You haven't lost him just yet, so do it while you can."

The clock hit seven-thirty, it's almost time for Slughorn's supper party. "We've got to get ready. Slughorn's party starts at eight."

"Alright, alright, meet here when we're finished?"

I nodded, and headed up to the girls dormitories, as Blaise went up to the boys. All I needed to do was my hair, and put on my dress. Nothing fancy considering it's just a dinner.

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"So, tell me, Cormac, do you see anything of your Uncle Tiberius these days?"

"Yes, sir. In fact, I've meant to go hunting with him and the Minister of Magic over the holidays."

"Oh well, be sure to give them both my best. What about your uncle, Belby?"

Slughorn continued to ask students about their uncles. I mixed around some of my ice cream in my bowl, zoned out.

I felt bad for leaving Draco to work on the cabinet alone, but he wasn't one that was invited to this dinner.

I sat next to Blaise, across from me, Harry. He's glanced at me a few times. I tried my best to avoid him, but he made me nervous.

"What about you, Miss Granger? What exactly does your family do in the Muggle world?"

"My parents are dentists." The table was silent, a few students looking at Hermione oddly. "They tend to people's teeth."

"Fascinating. And is that considered a dangerous profession?"

"No? Although, one boy, Robbie Fenwick, did bite my father once. He needed ten stitches." Blaise, Belby, and Slughorn gave Hermione a worried look.

The door had opened, and Luna quietly came in.

"Ah, Miss Lovegood, come in, come in."

"Awfully sorry I'm late. Herbology homework got the best of me." Luna smiled, and Blaise stood from his seat in a mannerly way, watching as Luna sat down.

He cleared his throat, and sat back onto his chair.


I blinked. I looked around the table, everyone else was either eating their desserts or talking to one another. I then looked at Harry, who was only looking down at his ice cream.

"You look lovely."

"Harry? Harry, is that you?"

"Yes, love, it's me."

"This is crazy isn't it? We could speak to each other through our minds."

I sensed a small chuckle from across the table.

"Yeah, it is crazy. Although, now I've got a way to speak to you whenever you ignore me."

I roll my eyes, "Got me there, Potter. Harry, what I said before..."

"I know, I know, you didn't mean to say it. It's alright."

"No, Harry, I did-."

"Oh, dear, look at the time. You kids must be off to bed pretty soon. Must you go." Slughorn and the rest of the table stood from their seats, ready to say goodbye.

As Slughorn walked us out, I couldn't help but try to get Harry's attention. His eyes were on the floor the whole time. Now he's avoiding me.

Godric, this is so complicated.

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