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Over the past week, Harry and I have spent our time writing letters to each other. We've updated how our break has been for the both of us, and even got to know a lot more about each other.

Harry's been telling me how spending time with Sirius, is much better than spending time stuck in a locked room at his Aunt and Uncles house.

I've learned that Harry isn't a big fan of chocolate frogs either. Apparently, the first time he ever tried one, he actually never got the chance to because he could never catch it. 

I have been thinking about sneaking out to visit, but my family's got the Manor guarded and secured. I could never escape this place if I wanted to.

My family has been planning and setting up the Manor for a Christmas party we're having. Every Pureblood family we know are invited.

Each year, my family and I are known to throw the best Christmas parties. For one, our Manor is definitely twice as big as any other Manor. And two, we have the best treats.

The is the first year I'm not spending the holidays with my friends. Blaise has been invited to a dinner with Luna and her father, and Daphne and Neville are visiting the muggle world.

I am very happy for them, dearly, but now that I won't have anyone with me, who knows who my father would introduce me to.

Maybe I can spend all my time in my room, with Dobby... and sending letters to Harry.

"Mira, darling, come down here!"

I hurried down the stairs, into the dining room. "Yes, Mum?"

"Bring the sweets from the kitchen, please." Mum said, carefully placing the cookies we had decorated in the middle of the dining table.

I brought over a plate of pumpkin pasties, along with Mum's blueberry scones. Draco and Blaise were filling up cups with pumpkin juice, and a muggle drink, Kool-Aid.

Daphne had brought it over before her and Neville left. Father only thinks Draco and Blaise had made it, mixing water, sugar, and food coloring; mainly the ingredients in Kool-Aid.

The doorbell rang, all of our heads shooting up.

"Oh, dear, they're early. Get your father." Mum straightened out the table, then her dress. Father and I followed Mum to the door; Blaise and Draco behind us.

"Posture, children." The three of us straightened our posture, and then the door was opened.

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Family after family, the Manor was filled with Pureblood. Every time someone would walk in, they'd kiss mine and Mum's hand, then shake Draco and Father's hand.

After a few families came in, Blaise had left. He didn't want to be late and show Mr. Lovegood a bad first impression.

So now, I sat here at the dining table, watching people talk, laugh, take sweets... I was nearly about to get up, and head upstairs, until Father had stopped me.

"Mira, come meet someone. This is Adrian Pucey. Adrian meet my daughter, Mira."

I've seen Adrian around school most times. Every now and then, I'd actually catch him staring at me in the common room or library. He always seemed like a creep to me.

"Lovely to finally meet you, Mira." Adrian held his hand out, and I slowly shook his hand, wanting to give my father the satisfaction.

I've known Adrian since our 1st year at Hogwarts. But then again, never spoke to the boy.

"Adrian here, is an A plus student in every one of his classes. He was prefect in his 3rd and 4th year. He loves reading, which is something you also love doing, dear."

What is my father playing at?

"I've gotta find someone. You two should talk, get to know each other." Father smiled at the both of us, whispering in my ear before he left. "Don't screw this up."

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Almost fifteen minutes later, all Adrian could talk about was himself. I've eaten about five pumpkin pasties, two chocolate frogs, and he's still on the topic about him being captain of the quidditch team.

I've grown tired, so right now, that's my best excuse to get away from him.

"Adrian, it was lovely talking with you, or listening to you, but I think I'm gonna head upstairs for a bit. Maybe get some fresh air."

"Oh— I'll come with you."

"No! I mean, no, that's alright. Hopefully I see you before you leave... or not." I mumbled to myself as I stepped out the dining room.

Being careful to not be seen by my father, I head up the stairs. I silently shut my door, and there at my window, Hedwig.

She was tapping her beak against the window, waiting to be let in. She flew into my room, landing onto my bed with a letter and a small box tied to the letter.

I gave her a treat, as I unfolded the parchment paper, leaving the small box by my side. A letter from Harry:

Dear Mira,

Happy Christmas! I hope you've been having a lovely Christmas with your family. I heard your family was throwing a Christmas party. How was it?

Mrs. Weasley knitted sweaters and scarfs for everyone. I got a beanie. It's pretty cozy, definitely keeps my head warm. Have you gotten any cozy gifts, Mira?

About gifts, I felt bad for not gifting you anything. You put all your thought into my gift, so I just had to get you something.

There should be a small box attached to this letter. It's not much, but I liked it. Hopefully you will too.

I know it doesn't have much to do with Slytherin, but how I see you as a person, is why I got you this gift.

You're brave, intelligent, thoughtful, and much more, Mira. Happy Christmas!

-Harry Potter

I set down the letter, carefully picking up the small box, with an unknown surprise Harry had sent me. Taking off the lid, a beautiful charmed bracelet with the words "My Gryffindor" were engraved right in the middle.

The charms were very pretty things. One of the charms that most stuck out to me, was the single "H" that was attached to the wording part.

I slip the bracelet onto my right wrist, smiling as the charms would shine as if hit by sunlight. They were absolutely beautiful.

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