Chapter 29

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"Harmonia Nectere Passus."

We stood quietly, waiting for some type of movement or noise. "Again." Draco says, becoming hopeless by the second.

"Harmonia Nectere Passus."

Draco got frustrated, kicking the cabinet. I don't blame him for getting angry, we've been working on this since the crack of dawn.

"Okay, maybe we should take a break. Dinner's just started. Let's get some food and come back." I nearly left Draco alone in the Room of Requirement because he was just standing there.

"Draco..." I put my hand on his shoulder. He was looking down on the floor, sad expression on his face. "We're gonna figure this out. The second we fix this cabinet, we won't have to worry about anything."


"Maybe if we get lucky something or someone does the job for us. We can't put too much pressure on ourselves. Let's hurry before curfew."

When we get to the Great Hall, I hear comments left and right thrown at Ron, congratulating him. I sit next to Blaise who's reading over the Daily Prophet.

"What's all that about?"

"You haven't heard? Ron got Keeper in Quidditch. Love the man, but I honestly didn't think he'd get it."

Sitting all the way at the end of the Gryffindor table, Cormac McLaggen. He glared at Ron, playing around with his porridge. Someone's a bit jealous.

Lavender Brown on the other hand looked like she was about to faint at any mention of Ron.

Someone sat down on the other side of Blaise; Luna.

"Good evening, Blaise, Mira. Beautiful whether don't you think?" Blaise and I looked around the Great Hall. It was a bit warm, nothing new.

"Oh, goodness. You look miserable, Mira. Are you feeling okay?"

"Uh, I'm fine, Luna, thank you."

Luna glanced around us before leaning across Blaise, closer to me. "I know what heartbreak feels and looks like. I'm very sorry you're feeling that way. You and Harry were perfect together. A shame you two didn't work out. I do sense a feeling something will change and you and Harry live happily ever after."

Luna kissed Blaise's cheek, got up, and skipped away as if she hadn't just said any of those words.

"She's quite wonderful, isn't she?" Blaise stared in awe as she left the Hall.

I rethought Luna's words.

Harry and I were perfect together? Happily ever after? It's just crazy, yeah? Harry basically hated me since we were eleven. And our relationship wasn't perfect.

In the end, there were secrets. Bad secrets. And lies. Well, blame me for that. No reason to think Harry had part of the secrets or lies.

In fact, he was just perfect. And I was at fault for our relationship ending. I lied to Harry. I kept secrets from Harry.

Harry deserves someone better than me. Someone that won't lie, keep secrets, or hell! admit that they love him. There's also no reason for me to not tell Harry that I love him. I love him so much but why can't I just say that?

Am I scared? No, what would I be scared of?

How about the thought of my parents? The way my mother shows my father all her love, but he treats her quite the opposite. Everyone thinks they're the perfect Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy, married and in love.

I've known them my whole life, and easily said, their relationship is nowhere near in love. At least one of them.

Maybe I am scared. Scared because I'm afraid I'll turn into my father and treat Harry with no such respectful or love. But I'm not my father. I could never be him. Why would I ever want to be him?

All I want for Harry is to be loved. But not by anyone else... toxic, yes, but I wanna be the person to love him. I want to be the person who he sees every morning after waking up. The person he receives hugs and kisses from. His person.

I look up from my bowl, immediately catching Harry's eyes. This was the first time I've made eye contact with him without looking away.

He smiled at me. Harry smiled at me.


"Yes, love?"

"I think I'm in love with you."

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