Chapter 21

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I wish to be fighting Voldemort rather than sit here for two hours taking our OWL's. We've only started twenty minutes ago, but it feels like ages.

I couldn't focus on my papers, instead I just stared at Umbridge. Merlin, she made me mad. Why was she always smiling?

Could she not wear pink for once? Lady's smile is more fake than—

What in the godric was that? There was a loud boom noise coming from outside the Great Hall. Then another. And another.

Umbridge seemed to be bothered by the loud noise. She stepped down the few steps, practically waltzing through the hall.

She giggled at students who seemed to be concerned about the noise. Her loud heels hitting the floor with every step, causing a pounding in my head.

She opened the Great Hall doors, a small ball of whatever that is, sizzled in her face, moving past her into the room.

It popped, creating sparks. Fireworks.

A short amount of silence went by, until suddenly the twins came in on broomsticks, throwing fireworks into the air. Everyone's papers flew away, and smoke filled the air from all the sparks.

There were a few that chased some Slytherins; one hitting Crabbe in the arse, and even making a print of Draco's face into the wall.

I caught eyes with Mira, smiling as she laughed happily with Blaise and Daphne. God, she was so beautiful.

The twins threw a huge firework into the air, creating a dragon that chased Umbridge out the Great Hall, eating her... not literally.

The rules that hung up on the walls fell to the floor, glass everywhere. Though no one cared and followed the twins out of the hall, into the courtyard.

A big 'W' displayed itself in the sky— this was awesome!

Suddenly, I felt faint. My breathing was getting heavier, and I felt sweaty. I fell to the floor when I saw Sirius in my head.

He was alone... the Department of Mysteries. But he was talking to someone.

"I need that prophecy."

"You'll have to kill me."

"Oh I will. But first you have to fetch it for me."

Voldemort. He was using the Cruciatus Curse on Sirius. I saw a weird blue glowing ball, and the numbers '97 .128'... the Ministry.

Hermione kneeled down. Before she could get a word out, I beat her to it.


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"Harry, are you sure?"

"I saw it! It's just like Mr. Weasley. It's the same door I've been dreaming about for months, only I couldn't remember where I'd seen it before. Sirius said Voldemort was after something... something he didn't have the last time, and it's in the Department of Mysteries."

"Harry, please— just listen." I stopped running to listen to Hermione, panting. "What if Voldemort meant for you to see this? What if he's only hurting Sirius because he's trying to get to you?"

"What if he is? I'm supposed to just let him die? Hermione, he's the only family I've got left."

"What about Mira?" Ron mentioned.

"What about Mira?"

"Mate, he's her family too. You've got to tell her."

"No, I don't want to scare her. She's had enough stress on herself, I'm not gonna give her more to stress about. We'll tell her when we come back."

Ron and Hermione looked at each other. They've gotta agree with me.

"What do we do?"


"I'm going with you!"

"It's too dangerous! Besides, how did you even find out we were leaving?"

"Hermione sent me a howler— told me what you were trying to do. Let me go with you."

"Mira." Harry cupped my cheeks. "I love you, so much, but I'm telling you right now... stay here. I don't want you to get hurt. I promise I'll come back, safe and with Sirius. Don't you trust me?"

"Yes, but Harry—"

"Stay here. Whatever happens at the Ministry... I'll be okay. I love you." He kissed my forehead, and left.

I stepped forward, but Blaise had stopped me. "You heard him... Let's take you back to the common room."

Blaise brought me to the Dungeons, and sat by the fireplace. The whole time we were sitting, which was in pure silence, I had hoped Sirius would pop up in the fire as he did before.

I couldn't stop thinking that something bad could be happening to Harry right now. Or all our friends. I hate how I'm sitting here, doing nothing.

Time was going by awfully slowly. Still no sign of Harry. Blaise had fallen asleep on the couch, but I stayed on the floor, watching the fire cackle, and the wood burn.

A tear fell from my face, and my body started to tremble. The burning feeling hit my throat, and I felt myself sob.

What was happening to me? Why am I feeling like this?

Blaise heard my sudden breakdown, and quickly pulled me into his chest. He was very confused, as I was too.

I closed my eyes, hoping this feeling of heartbreak would stop. Then that's when I saw it.

Sirius, Bellatrix... Harry.

It happened so quickly, I couldn't even make up what was happening.


He's back.

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