Love Potion

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Knock, knock.

I closed my book, sitting up from laying down on my bed, and opened the dorm door. Blaise, who I assume was sitting against the door, had fallen down, landing on his back.

He looked... odd. Very cheerful. He had a big smile on his face, but he seemed lost when he sat back up.


"Oh... Mirs, I think I'm in love."

I pulled him up, and brought him to the desk. He sat on the chair, slouching.

"Guinevere... she's wonderful, she is."


"Say the name one more time."


I blinked. I'm sure I heard him correctly; both times. And both times, the name Guinevere was nowhere near Luna.

"Who's Guinevere?"

"Guinevere Pines. Fifth year Hufflepuff. How do you not know her?"

"How do you know her? And why are you saying you're in love? With her?"

"I'm not sure. All I know is that she gave me this wonderful box of chocolate frogs, along a card. See." From his pocket, Blaise pulled out a pink card, and handed it to me.

I unfolded it, and on the front, it was a picture of Guinevere Pines blowing a kiss. The words "Thinking of you" above. It says it's addressed to Blaise, but I wouldn't know why someone would sneak him a love potion. Or as to why he even accepted the box of chocolate frogs without reading the card first.

I thought of one person who could possibly help fix Blaise's problem. Must get him all settled before Luna sees him like this.

"C'mon, I think you're gonna be happy to see this person." Blaise followed me out the dorm, thinking I was bringing him to meet Guinevere.

We walked the corridors until we reached Slughorn's classroom. I knocked on the door, and Harry had opened it, surprised to see Blaise and I.

"Harry? Where's Slughorn?"

"He's inside. What're you two doing here this late?"

"Love potion accident with Blaise."

"Same thing happened to Ron. Come in."

Harry moved aside, allowing both of us to enter the room. The Potions class now looked like a regular living room with a couch and fireplace. Ron was sat on one, staring at the moon. Slughorn was working up a potion, and glanced at us.

"Ah, Miss Malfoy, how can I help you at this time of night?"

"Blaise... he was smuggled a love potion. Thought you'd be the best to help."

"Not to worry. I've gotten Wenby right over there with the same problem."

I guided Blaise towards the couch where he sat next to Ron. Harry stood next to me, and we watched the two who were high on love potion, admire the moon.

"So, how was your Christmas break?" Harry's hands were in his pockets, and he awkwardly moved side to side on his feet.

"It was... good." It wasn't good. Draco and I were told to stay home for the holidays to finish the cabinet. We've definitely made some sort of progress. Snape did yell at me for disobeying his orders considering he specifically ordered me to not help Draco.

Though from what I remember, I wasn't directly ordered by Snape.

"I heard about what happened at the Burrow. I had no idea Bellatrix was up to that."

"I trust you didn't, but everything's alright. The Burrow, not so much in shape, but it's better than nothing at all."

"I tried apologizing to Ginny, but she ignored me, as usual. Ron... he was too caught up with Lavender. I even wanted to send an owl to Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, but Blaise told me it was best to stay away."

"Mira, I'm sure the Weasleys knew you had no intention on what your Aunt pulled at the Burrow. You don't have to apologize. You did nothing wrong."

Slughorn stepped between Harry and I, and handed two glass cups with some sort of liquid to Blaise and Ron.

"Tonic for the nerves. Drink up."

They took a sip of the liquid; their faces filled with joy, to confusion.

"What happened to me?" They both asked in sync.

"Love potion." Harry and I answered for them.

"Got Butterbeer, wine, dazzling oak matured mead. I had other intentions for this, but I think, given the circumstances..." Slughorn poured another liquid from a bottle into five cups.

Each of us were handed our own, and Slughorn clanked his glass with ours. Ron, suddenly collapsed to the floor, the glass cup smashing into pieces.

His body was shaking, and white foam spilled from his mouth.

Harry handed his cup for me to hold, and knelt down beside Ron.

"I don't understand..." Slughorn shook his head, watching as Harry went through his drawers.

"Professor, what did you give him?" Blaise knelt on the other side of Ron, hoping to stop his body from shaking, and I tried not to panic.

Slughorn passed me the bottle that was wrapped like a gift.

Hold on. This bottle looks awfully familiar.

I sniffed inside the bottle; licorice, cherry, and... poison.


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