Winter Break

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"Working hard is important. But there's something that matters even more. Believing in yourself. Think of it this way. Every great wizard in history has started out as nothing more than what we are now; students. If they can do it, why not us?"

About now, everyone has been recasting spells that we've gone over since the last two weeks.



It's our last meeting before winter break starts, and we all head home for the holidays. It's amazing how far we've gotten without being caught by Umbridge or any other professor.

I watched as Neville casted the disarming charm on one of the Patil twins. To our surprise, her wand flew right out of her hand.

"Well done, Neville!" Everyone came over to congratulate Neville for finally perfecting the charm. You really do learn from your mistakes.

"So that's it for this lesson. Now, we're not going to be meeting again until after the holidays. So just keep practicing on your own as best you can. And... and well done, everyone. Great, great work."

Everyone had started to gather up their things. I went to go pickup my own bag, which was in the back of the room by the mirror. I had looked up, seeing my reflection, then... Cedric.

A small squared picture of Cedric was taped to the side of the mirror. He was smiling brightly, almost looking proud.

"Are you alright?" Harry glanced at the picture of Cedric.

"Learning all this... do you think Cedric knew it all?"

"Cedric did know this stuff. He was really good. It's just... Voldemort was better. I mean, you saw how he fought."

"Yeah... You're a really good teacher, Harry. Seeing you teach all these students... I was very impressed."

He chuckled, "Yeah, same to you. So— you doing anything for the holidays?"

"No, just the same old stuff we do every year. Kind of hopping for a slight change though."

"Oh, well, the Weasley's and I are spending time with Sirius if you wanna come over some day..."

"That sounds lovely, but my family..."

"No, yeah— I understand."

Harry and I stood quietly, not one of us breaking eye contact. Harry stepped closer... and closer. So close, our lips could almost touch. And just as they were about to—

"Mira! Oh... sorry, Draco's looking for you. Just thought to give you a heads up. Have a nice holiday, Potter."

"You too, Blaise."

Blaise winked at me, and left the Room of Requirement. Thanks a lot to him, the weird tension between me and Harry was now filled within the room.

"I've gotta go meet with Draco..."

"Yeah, okay— um... I'll see you after break."

I remembered the gift I had made for Harry, and pulled it out from my bag.

"It's nothing special. Just something I thought would be a nice gift."

I made a small picture frame with a picture of our Dumbledore's army. On our third meeting, Colin had came in with his camera and asked to take a picture of everyone together.

Colin was nice enough to give me a copy for my idea and with that, I made my own gift.

"Happy holidays, Harry."

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"I'm just saying, Draco would look mighty fine with red hair. Split through the middle and everything—"

"Get your arse in there, Zabini." Blaise and I had been laughing, since we got off the train. Nonstop, would Blaise say anything to insult Draco.

We've just gotten to the Manor, allowing our house elves to take up our trunks. Mum sped out the kitchen doors, opening her arms wide.

"Oh, my babies! You're home!" She wrapped all three of us in a hug, and Father had stepped down the stairs, walking stick hitting the floor with every step.

"It's good that you're now home, children. Blaise, will you be staying with us for the holidays?"

"If it's not too much, please. My mum's out, busy with work, so it would've been just me."

"Oh, of course, dear. You're always welcome here. Now, go wash up, and come help me make tonights dinner." Mum kissed the side of our heads, happily smiling back over to the kitchen.

Father watched all three of us make our way upstairs, to our rooms. By now, Blaise basically lives here. They've gotten his own room set up, and the only time he isn't at the Manor is when his mum comes back from work. Which is hardly ever.

We all washed up, changed into proper clothing, and headed back downstairs. The smell of Mother's roast beef hit our noses, filling us with excitement. Mother always served the best roast beef.

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