A Letter?

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"Thank you, boys. Mira and I got it from here." Blaise and Draco left Mum and I with decorating the Christmas cookies, heading upstairs. I finished piping my third cookie, noticing how much Mum would glance at me.

"Yes, Mother?" I kept my eyes on piping down frosting on another cookie, waiting to hear a response.

"How's school going for you, dear? Any new friends? Any... boys?"

Of course. Anytime we come home, Mum loves to have talks about school and well, my life. It's nice though... it's like having an older sister.

"School's been... interesting. Umbridge has made it a living hell." Mum cleared her throat. "Sorry. But other than that, I've made a few friends." It was clear I avoided the question about boys.

Mum's gaze hadn't left me. She knew something was going on. "Okay... there is one boy."

She smiled, piping down her own cookie. "Tell me about him."

"Well, he's a Gryffindor. Pretty popular if you ask me. He definitely has a way of words when it comes to speaking up for himself. A very charming smile... pretty eyes..."

"He sounds special. What's his name?"

How would she react if I told her the boy I like is also the boy who basically my whole family is after? That's enough talking for right now. "My hands are starting to become sore, I think I could finish these tomorrow."

I set down the piping bag, noticing a smirk appear on Mum's face. I gave her a kiss on the cheek, heading towards the kitchen doors.

"Mira, dear... don't get caught with Potter."

I smiled. Of course she knew.

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I closed my drawer, finally done unpacking. Father has told us that anything that seems like a chore, the elves must do. If we're on Winter break, so should the elves. Speaking of elves—

Just as I thought of him, the elf himself appeared on my bed. "Miss Malfoy, it's good to see you're back. I'm sorry I couldn't welcome you home yesterday. I was a bit... busy."

"Oh no, it's alright, Dobby. How've you been?"

"Just alright, Miss Malfoy. How's school? Anything exciting happen?"

Dobby has always been a kind friend. I never saw him as a house elf, or anything Father sees him as. There are times at Hogwarts, where Dobby would randomly pop up just to check in.

It's always sad leaving home, especially without knowing what could possibly happen.

"I don't know if I could survive any longer at that school. Umbridge becomes professor, and thinks she rules Hogwarts now. It's completely daft."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear, Miss Malfoy."

"Dobby, what'd I say about calling me that? You're welcome to call me Mira."

"If you wish, Miss— Mira."

A tap at the window caught both of our attention. It was an owl with a letter in its mouth. The owl was definitely a snowy owl, with very pretty yellowish eyes.


"Hedwig? You know its name?" I question Dobby, as I open my window, letting the owl in.

"Well of course. It's Harry Potter's owl. Harry Potter sent you, Miss Malfoy, a letter."

A letter? From Harry?"

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