Sixteenth Birthday

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"What a lovely surprise!" Molly wrapped me into a hug after everyone else got theirs. "Why didn't you let us know you were coming?"

"I didn't know. Dumbledore."

"Oh! That man. But then what would we do without him? Anyway dear, there's some soup—"

"Oh uh, actually, I've got to go see someone for a bit, but I'll be back before everyone's asleep. Thank you, Molly."

She gave me one last hug, waving Ron and Ginny off to bring my trunk upstairs. "Okay dear, be safe, and don't come back too late!"

I said goodbye to Hermione who was still downstairs, and stepped outside the burrow. Taking one last final deep breath, I apparated.

"Woah!" I nearly slipped off the Malfoy Manor roof, but thankfully, one of the tiles kept me from slipping. I climbed down onto the balcony, knocking on the window.

Should've thought of a better plan than startle Mira. Her expression was a mix of shock and mad.

"Harry Potter! What the hell are you doing! Get down there!" She pulled me in, accidentally throwing me to the floor.

"Missed you too, darling."

She gasped, helping me up from the floor. I looked around her room, the smell of vanilla hitting my nostrils. "Lovely room. Smells like vanilla."

She threw her arms around me, squealing like a little kid. It's only been two weeks, and already I missed her touch dearly.

She was dressed rather fancy. Like she was going to a party. What can I say... she's a part of the Malfoy family.

"I'm so happy to see you!" She moved her face from my chest, pulling me in for a kiss. Lips were also something I missed.

She pulled me with her to her bed, and we both flopped down. There was a book next to her. "What's this?"

"Some gift from Hermione. Said I was becoming like you and needed more knowledge." I rolled my eyes, tossing the book.

I caught her lips in mine again, hovering on top of her now. "Happy birthday, love."

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I zipped up Mira's dress, admiring her from the mirror. She was a wonderful sight.

I grabbed my shirt, swiftly throwing it on, and sat with her on the bed.

"I need to talk to you about something."

This can't be good. Seriously... after we...

"What's wrong?"

"Well, uh... Draco and I received news from my mother. Terrible news. I wanted you to hear this from me rather than anyone else."

I was starting to worry. Mira looked nervous... and almost disappointed. Was she leaving? Moving somewhere far? Something happen with her father in Azkaban?

"Harry... know that I had no intention of any of this. I had no idea this would be happening. But with my father gone, it has to happen."

"Mira what is it, you're scaring me."

She opened her mouth to speak, but someone from outside her door called out her name. "Mira, dear, it's time."

"Harry, you have to go."

"What— no, tell me what's going on."

"It's too late. I'll tell you back at school. I'm sorry." She opened the window, rushing me out.

"Mira— I love you." The feeling of sorrow flashed through my body.

"Mira, dear, is everything alright?" Her mother called out from outside the door.

"Yes, Mum, just a second. You must leave Harry, now." Without another word, I left and she shut the window. I hurried back up to the roof, and apparated back to the Burrow.


"What took you so long?"

"Just preparing. I'm ready."

She kissed both my cheeks, her hands on my shoulders. "Dear, I'm sorry, but this has to happen. You know that. It's best for the family, and I know your father would be proud."

"I know, Mum."

She held my hand in hers, and she led us to the meeting in the big ballroom downstairs. As we stepped through the doors, death eaters that sat at the table turned their heads, keeping quiet.

"Ah, Mira, thank you for joining us." Voldemort smiled, watching me take the seat next to Draco. Since we came in, he hasn't looked up once.

I could tell he was scared. I was too. Who wouldn't be? If anything, giggly Aunt Bellatrix over there most likely felt honored.

"Now, we're just gonna make this plain simple. When I call your name, come to me, and I shall give you the mark. You will feel proud to receive this mark, anything other than feel shameful.

"There is no going back after becoming a death eater. You will not disobey my orders, if so, you will be punished. I'm sure you wouldn't want that.

"To start, Draco."

Draco stopped breathing for a second. I squeezed his hand under the table, giving him the sign he must get up. Also a way of comfort.

Draco's chair squeaked as he forced himself out his seat. He slowly walked around the table, and next to Voldemort. Voldemort smiled, grabbing Draco's left arm, turning so his forearm was facing up.

He pointed the tip of his wand over Draco's forearm, and mumbled some words I couldn't make up. Suddenly, I flinched. Draco's pierce scream rung through the ballroom, and my ears.

Mum grabbed my hand, scared for her children. I can't imagine the fear she's feeling right now.

Draco collapsed to the floor, breathing heavily. Two death eaters picked him up, and carried him I'm guessing back to his room.

"Mira." My heart stopped, and I glanced at Mum. She was looking down in her lap, taking her hand out of mine.

This has to be done. Just get it over with, and I'll be okay. I told myself as I stepped up and stood where Draco stood. Voldemort did the same with turning my arm, and pointed his wand.

Plain and simple.

I screamed, prying my arm out from his grasp, but he only gripped it tighter. My body trembled, and the pain not only went through my arm, but my whole body.

I held my arm, feeling the pain slowly fade away. Like Draco, I was picked up, and brought to a separate room with Draco laying on the bed.

We both laid there, quiet and still.

Thirty minutes later, Mum came in and wrapped her arms around me and Draco. She sobbed, lifting both of our sleeves up. I can see how much her heart broke when she saw the marks.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry, my loves. I will protect you both for as long as I shall live, I'm sorry." Mum laid in the middle, with Draco and I on each side of her.

Ten years ago, Mum would've been snuggling with us in bed, reading a bedtime story. But who knew we'd be in the exact same position, our mother worried for our lives.

So much for a sixteenth birthday.

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