Yule Ball

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"Ow!" I hissed, smacking Daphne's hand away from my hair. She had tightened a piece too hard.

"Oo, sorry..."

Daphne had done a braid leading to the side of my hair, with the rest in a messy bun. She had curled my hair before, giving it more of an outgoing look, along with small strands being left out.

"Anddd...done." She put a small pin, clipping my hair together, and spun the chair slightly. "My god, you look beautiful."

I had my dress on already, not wanting to risk my hair getting messed up if I put it on after. Daphne would tease me every second about how I had a secret admire. I didn't tell her it was from Harry, though she still didn't believe me when I said it was from my mother.

Speaking of Harry... the past two days, I heard that Harry and Cho are supposedly going to the Ball together.

Blaise had tried to convince me into thinking it was only a rumor, but nothing could've worked to convince me otherwise.

Although he did make a point. The bracelet, the dress... why would Harry ask out Cho after giving me all of this? Was he playing me? Was it some sort of game he was playing with Hermione and Ron?

I wouldn't have known.

"Knock, knock." Blaise whistled outside the door. Daphne opened the door herself, allowing Blaise and Draco inside the dorm.

"Looking lovely, ladies. Are we ready to go?" Blaise asked, checking himself out in our mirror.

Draco looped his arm with mine, fixing a strand of my hair. He noticed the bracelet on my right wrist, pointing at it.

"What's that?"

"Uhh... a gift. From an old friend."

Draco looked confused, quietly repeating my words to himself. The four of us headed out the dormitories, then the Slytherin common room.

Everyone was walking to the Great Hall with their dates or friends. Throughout the corridors, Professor McGonagall had used some spells to decorate using winter decorations like snowflakes and snow.

Across the halls, Christmas music rung through the air. Though Christmas was over, it was still the middle of winter.

When we entered the Great Hall, fake snow fell from the ceiling with icicles hanging down, and large tables in every corner. There was enough space for the whole school right in the middle of the room as a dance floor.

Mainly everything looked the same as from last Yule Ball.

Draco left to meet with Astoria, then Daphne with Neville. Blaise and I sat down, making several conversations with other students.

A few minutes later, Blaise left to pick up Luna at the Ravenclaw tower.

Parvati and I ate some chocolate frogs as she gossiped to me about her and Lavenders new relationship. Just as we mentioned, Lavender came up and asked Parvati to dance.

Everyone with their dates were out on the dance floor, dancing with one another as a slow song had played.

I could really use that dance, Draco.

"Mira..." I looked up at the voice, facing Harry. He looked nervous. "Where's your date?"

"Didn't come with one. You?"

"Also didn't come with one." He sat down, also watching everyone dance.

Cho? I thought—

"I didn't come with Cho... if that's what you're worrying about. It was just a rumor. Of course she had asked, but I kindly turned her down.

"There was, however, someone I did want to take to the Ball. She's actually here now."

"... who?"

Harry looked at me, "You." He stood up, holding a hand out. "Care to dance?"

I looked down, blushing, and took his hand in mine. He walked us to the dance floor, found an open space, and placed his hands on my waist.

Suddenly, the song "I Love You So" by The Walters started to play; a muggle song. A muggle song that I absolutely adore.

"You look beautiful."

I just need someone in my life to give it structure

"Thank you, Harry. You, yourself, look absolutely dashing." We smiled to each other, moving our bodies closer.

To handle all the selfish ways I'd spend without her

You're everything I want, but I can't deal with all your lovers

"I'm really glad you like the dress. It took me... some time finding just the right one."

Saying I'm the one, but it's your actions that speak louder

"I'm just amazed at how you can find a beautiful dress like this. It really means a lot to me, Harry. You've been really kind me to lately. Sending letters to you over break was definitely the greatest highlight of all my holidays I've had."

Giving me love when you are down and need another

I've gotta get away and let you go, I've got to get over

"I feel exactly the same way, Mira."

But I love you so

Harry moved his face closer to mine, as did I.

I love you so

Our faces were so close to each other, we could feel both of our breathing.

I love you so

Our lips brushed against each other, dying to feel another ones lips.

I love you so

Just as our lips barely touched, Professor McGonagall spoke through the microphone.

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