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Blaise and I watched the fire cackle, when suddenly it formed into a face. "Mira, darling!"

"Sirius? What're doing here?"

"I heard about Umbridge. I've been told she's not letting you use magic?"

"She's basically taken over Hogwarts by now. And magic? I mean, this is a school of witchcraft."

"Well, I'm not surprised. The latest intelligence is that Fudge doesn't want you trained in combat."

"Combat? What does he think— we're forming some sort of wizard army?" Blaise questioned.

"Well, that's exactly what he thinks. That Dumbledore is assembling his own forces to take on the Ministry. He's becoming more paranoid by the minute. I'm sure you're not ready to hear this, Mira... but Voldemort is on the move."

"What can we do?"

"You've gotta learn to defend yourselves. If Umbridge refuses to teach you how, you need someone who will."

"Like who?"

"You, Mira."

"Smart one, he is." Sirius chuckled, friendly winking at Blaise.

"What! Me... how?"

"Mira, dear, do what we did back in the day... form an army. Get people on your side... help protect one another. It's only gonna get worse from here."

"Sirius, how do I do that?"

"I've had someone contact a few people. Meet them at the pub, tomorrow at 1."

"Them? Who's "them?" Footsteps were heard coming from the boy dorms. Blaise and I glanced back, quickly looking back at Sirius.

"Someone's coming. Good luck, my niece." Sirius smiled, disappearing from the fireplace.

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"Who do you think Sirius meant by "them?"

Blaise opened the door to the pub, "I guess we'll find out about now."

Stepping in, everyone's heads turned to look at Blaise and I, the room falling silent. There were maybe twenty kids; some Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff. Well this is awkward.

The door opened behind us; the golden trio stepping in.

Blaise whispered, "Do we have the wrong place?"

"Mira, Blaise, what're doing here?" Harry questioned.

"We were told to come here by Sirius. What're you guys doing here?"

"Sirius told us to come here with all these people." We all looked at each other, confused. The room was still silent, no one knowing what to do or say.

"Mira, can I speak to you alone?" Harry didn't give me time to respond. Instead, he walked out the door to the pub.

I followed Harry, hugging myself when a brush of wind flew by. "You're here for the same thing I'm here for, right? To form an army? Go against Umbridge?"

"Yes, Harry."

"How is this gonna work if we don't get along? And Draco— he can tell your family. Who knows what'll happen."

"We should be focused on building this army. If we have to worry about Draco finding out, we'll worry when that time comes. And with us— we don't have to get along. As long as we show that we're trying to be a team, you and me are good.

"After this whole thing, we can go back to being... enemies. Pretend it never happened. Nothing happens, Potter."

"Nothing, Malfoy." He repeated, holding eye contact. The door opened, Hermione peaking her head out.

"Everyone's becoming impatient. We should start."

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"Um... hi." Hermione awkwardly stood up, speaking out loud to everyone. "So, you all know why we're here. We need a teacher. A proper teacher. One who's had real experience defending themselves against the Dark Arts."

"Why?" One of the kids asked.

"Why? Cause You-Know-Who's back, you tosspot." Ron argued.

"So they say." The kid glared at me and Harry.

"So Dumbledore says."

"So Dumbledore says because they say. The point is, where's the proof?"

"If Potter and Malfoy could tell us more about how Diggory got killed..."

Harry stood, "We're not going to talk about Cedric, so if that's why you're here, you might as well clear out now. Let's go— they're all here because they think me and Mira are some sort of freaks."

"Harry... is it true you can produce a Patronus Charm?" Luna Lovegood softly questioned Harry. Harry didn't say anything, so Hermione answered for him; claiming she's seen it herself.

"Mira, I've heard you also know how to block the cruciatus curse. Is that also true?"

"Yes, Neville. I also know how you can transfer the curse to someone else, without using your wand. It's pretty easy."

Neville smiled, excited.

"Look everyone... facing this stuff in real life is not like school. In school, if you make a mistake, you can just try again tomorrow. But out there... when you're a second away from being murdered or watching a friend die right before your eyes... you don't know what that's like."

Hermione sat back down, "You're right, Harry, we don't. That's why we need your help. Both of your help. Because if we're going to have any chance of beating... Voldemort..."

"He's really back?" Harry and I looked at each other, then at the kid, and nodded.

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After we convinced everyone to build this army, we got their names as a right to agreeing. Now, here we were crossing the bridge, discussing places we could have our meetings.

"How about the Shrieking Shack?" Ginny suggested.

"That's too small."

"Forbidden Forest?" Blaise suggested.

"Not bloody likely."

"Harry, what happens if Umbridge does find out?"

"Who cares? I mean, it's sort of exciting, isn't it? Breaking the rules." Hermione had a big smile on her face. Who knew Hermione Granger could break school rules.

"Who are you and what have you done with Hermione Granger?"

"Anyway, at least we know one positive thing that came from today."

"What's that?"

"Cho couldn't take her eyes off you, could she?" Hermione and Ron smirked at Harry. I looked at Blaise, not sure why I felt a weird feeling when Hermione mentioned Cho.

I mean... Cho and Harry? No way.

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