-Chapter 1:Nice place to stay?-

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I for before we start:

Tommy age- 14

Techno age- 18

Wilbur age- 18

Phil age- 45

~Tommy POV~

"TEAGAN!" I woke up to Mrs.Katz, the head of the orphanage screaming my old name. I sighed slowly and got out of bed. I went over to my slicer and took out a red hoodie and a white shirt to go over it. I grabbed some khaki jeans from the closet as well and put on the clothes. I took a deep breath before heading down the stairs to the main entrance.

"There you are Teagan."Mrs.Katz said to me. "We have a family in the room, try not to make a bad impression"I rolled my eyes but nodded my head. Dispute being quite mean Mrs.Katz wanted me to get into a good home for once after all of the other shit homes I have been in. While she doesn't like me being trans she wants me to get help from a nice family but I still know she hates me. I walked into the room and saw a man who looked about in his mid 30's with blond hair and a green sweater on. To his right was what seemed to be one of his sons. He had long pink hair that was pulled into a ponytail. He had a royal style for his clothes. Then to the man's left was probably his other son who had deep brown hair, a red beenie, and a yellow sweater. "Well Mr.Watson, this is Teagan." Mrs Katz said to the man. He nodded his head and Mrs.Katz left the room for us to talk. I sat down on the chair that was across from them as I remembered I forgot to take my ADHD medication before. Well this should be fun.

"Hello there Teagan! My name is Phil, the one with pink hair is Techno and the one with the brown hair is Wilbur!"Phil said in the most inviting voice I had ever heard. I waved my hand not wanting to talk much. It wasn't that I was shy, well I was I just didn't want to be a burden and told I was too loud again. Phil had started to talk about his two sons and himself to get me to know more about them but I just ended up zoning out the entire time he was talking as I fidgeted with my hands.

"Teagan?"I heard Phil say. I mumbled a quiet 'Huh?' as i looked up to him. He laughed softly. "I asked if you would be ok with staying with us for a bit, maybe if you like us enough we can adopt you."He said. I smiled lightly to him. He and his family seemed nice. I nodded my head yes as a response to his question of coming home with him. He smiled brightly. "Alright boys why don't you go help Teagan whit her stuff while I go sign off some paperwork."Phil said. I nodded my head and lead the boys to my room. I picked up my small red backpack and put all of my things inside it. When I was done my bag consisted of, my medication, my clothes, my stuffed animal that an old friend got me, and a couple of other things. "Is that all?"I heard Wilbur ask. I nodded my head and looked over to Techno. He just kept his same somewhat stern look. I carefully took my stuffed dog which was the plush my friend gave me, out of my bag and held it in my arms. I usually pulled it out when I got nervous about things. Techno took my bag from my hands and I looked at him with pleading eyes. The other family's I had would take my things away and go through it. Techno looked down at my worrisome face and let his expression soften up. "Don't worry kid, I'll give it right back as soon as we get to the car." His monotone voice shocked me yet soothed me at the same time. It was calming. I nodded my head and we headed back down the stairs and over to Phil who was at the front desk signing some papers. "Listen here Tea, love ya but I don't wanna see you back again got it?"Mrs Katz joked. She knew that sometimes I would get a bit soft when nervous, she hated me yes but she wasn't that bad and we did have our dumb jokes. I giggled lightly hugged her side and responded. "Me too."I stuck my young out earning laughs from the others as Mrs.Katz pat my head and sent me off.

All four of us headed into the car. Phil was in the drivers seat, I was in the middle. Techno was to my left and Wilbur to my right. Techno sat my bag at my feet while Wilbur started to pester Phil on letting him have the aux cord to connect his music to the car. Phil did give in eventually letting him have the music control. "Alright you guys, we have around a two hour ride back home ahead of us so get settled, oh and Will. Not to loud."Phil had said the last part a bit sternly. I was already really tired from not getting much sleep at the orphanage and having my stuffed dog in my arms made it easier to fall asleep. I slowly let myself drift to sleep. The last thing I knew was my head was sliding down onto Techs shoulder or lap I couldn't tell but it was comfortable and he was petting my hair which was even more comforting.

~Two hours later!!!!~

I woke up to Phil lightly tapping my side to try and wake me. I yawned and opened my eyes. "Hey sweetie,where home."I mentally cringed at the name but nodded my head. Phil gave me his hand to hold as we walked in, I was hesitant at first but decided to go with it and hold his hand. A few minutes later he was showing me around the house. "Ok last stop is your room."He said leading me down the hall with all the other bedrooms in it. Phil's house was basically a mansion with how big it was. He lead me over to a door that looked much more plain than the others. "Alright I'll leave you to yourself for a bit and you can always give a knock on the others doors if you need help ok?" I nodded my head once again as I stepped into the room.

Phil closed my door probably assuming that I would like some privacy. The bedroom was really nice even though it was mostly undecorated. I made my way over to the closet and put away my clothes. I had managed to sneak a trans flag into my bag while the others weren't looking. Lucky enough my closet had some thumb-tacks in it so I took two of those and hung up my flag. I then took out my red blanket that my only nice home gave me and lied it down on my bed. I sat my dog on top of the blanket and decided to look for the bathroom. As I headed out of my room I accidentally bumped into Techno. "Ow..S-sorry Techno.."I apologized right away as I didn't want to upset him. "It's ok, you lost?" He seemed to know that dispute Phil's tour I was still lost. I nodded my head slowly. He nodded his head back. "Where you headed off to?"He questioned. "Uh..T-the bathroom.."I sort of mumbled the sentence I was just sort of scared. I didn't even noticed I was shaking until I looked at my hands. Techno kneeled down to me and looked at me with a soft and loving look. "Hey it's ok, why don't we go find the bathroom and you can splash some water on your face and then I can read to you about some Greek gods to calm you?" I hesitantly nodded my head and took his hand as he led me to the bathroom. I walked in and splashed some water on my face. I headed out and went with Techno to his room. He pulled out a boom from his shelf. The title of it was Stories of Theseus, I was kinda interested to hear what the story's were. We sat down on his bed and he pat his hand down next to him. I took the memo and sat there leaning my head in his shoulder as he started to read out the first chapter of the book. We had gotten through about 2 chapters before Phil called all of us down for dinner. Shit I'm going to screw this up I know it.

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