-Chapter 28: Water fight!-

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Fluffy stuff!!
Tw: Food
Time: Summer

Wilbur POV

Today is the best day in all of summer. Dad buys us a lot of water guns and water balloons and we get to fight each other with them while dad watches.

It's really fun. Plus it's hot as hell today so we get to do this crap right. We also have a pool in the yard as well but none of us want to clean stuff out of the pool on our water war day, so if you are in the pool you are temporarily in the safe free zone.

I'm currently filling up water balloons outside while Techno grabs Tommy. When the two finally arrive outside we start to explain the rules. Once they are fully explained Techno goes to the garage to get the water guns.

"So you ready to get beat in the ass today Tommy?" I question. Tommy scoffs.

"As if, I think your ass is the one that will get beat today." He responds, crossing his arms. I roll my eyes. We both head upstairs to our rooms to get into some swimwear. When I finish changing I come downstairs to see Tommy taking pictures of himself in his swimsuit, and looking like the racoon boy he is.

"Who you texting?" I ask.

"No one." He responds, tucking his phone in his pocket. I shrug it off and head into the kitchen, sitting in one of the bar stools.

(The rest of this is being written by @dog-days-are-over because I have writers block)

As our friends start to trickle in one by one, they also take seats on the barstools. We begin to chat a little, and then I stand up in the center of the room. 

"Okay guys, are we all ready to start?" I ask, holding a small water gun. I left my super soaker outside. 

"Hell yeah I am!" Techno says, and he stands up as well. Everyone else begins to stand up and gather in the middle of the room. Techno is holding a large water gun, while everyone else has left their water weapons outside. 

"Okay, let's go!" I say, and begin to walk outside, leaving everyone in the kitchen. I walk out the door and they begin to follow me. I go over to a chair and grab my super soaker before anyone else can get to it. 

"Why do you have two guns? Isn't there a rule that you can only have one gun at a time?" Tommy asks. 

"Not anymore" I say as I smile and continue to reach for my super soaker. Once I grab it, I begin to run further into the yard. 

"Lets go!" I yell, and everyone rushes towards the water weapons. Some people grab water guns, while others grab handfuls of water balloons. We all start shooting each other and those who grabbed water balloons are running around and smashing them on people's heads. 

(3rd Person POV)

Niki and Tubbo run at one another, water balloons in hand, ready to strike. Niki gets Tubbo square in the face, and he falls down to the ground laughing. 

Eret and Ranboo also run at each other, Ranboo holding a small water gun and Eret holding two water balloons. As Eret throws their balloon, Ranboo begins shooting his water gun. They end up hitting each other at the same time, and they laugh as they continue to soak one another. 

Dream runs at Tommy, both holding water guns. Tommy shoots Dream and nails him from a distance. Dream tries to shoot back, but his gun ran out of water. He begins running away, and Tommy chases after him and soaks him. 

Sapnap, George and Techno all gang up on Wilbur. Techno and George have large water guns, and Sapnap is armed with a bag of water balloons and a slingshot. Niki and Eret see the group get ready and join in, grabbing as many water balloons as possible. The five of them all rush at Wilbur, who is fighting with Tubbo, Ranboo, Dream and Tommy. The four who are fighting Wilbur see the other group rushing at him, and they decide to rush as Wilbur as well. Everyone starts launching water balloons and shooting at Wilbur, soaking his previously dry clothes. Wilbur desperately tries to shoot back, but he can't shoot everyone at once. 

Wilbur begins to laugh and fall to the ground, being bombarded by the loads of water being dumped on him by his friends. Everyone backed away from Wilbur and looked over everyone. 

The only person out of the group who had managed to be the least wet was Techno?! 

Techno had won yet again. 

Everyone accepted defeat, said it was a good game, and went back inside to grab some food and drinks. 




A/n- Thank you so much to @dog-days-are-over for helping me write this story!! And I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!! More to come next month!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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