-Chapter 14: Real Talk-

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Tw: Menstural cycle/Periods?, Talk of self harm, mentions of self harm, crying?(i can't remember if this is still in it), past talk, vaping, mentions of drug abuse, If any more let me know!

(Storyline Time update- it is now like two-three weeks after thanksgiving)

~Tommy POV~

"What the fuck?" I questioned.

"Wilbur what the hell. We have guests over." Techno said sternly. Wilbur just sat looking at me, waiting for an answer.

"Eret, Niki, can you too leave the room for a bit, I think we have stuff to make cookies if you two would like to do that while the rest of us talk."

"Why is Dream staying?" Eret questions.

"Incase something happens with Tubbo now both of you leave." Techno says sternly.

They both leave the rest of us to talk.

"Tommy, selves." Tubbo says. I nod my head and roll up my sleeves.

Tubbo looks carefully along with Ranboo. "I promise the only close to fresh ones are from those few weeks ago when the bullying happened." I said. The two nodded and i looked over to Techno who shared a look of rage with Dream.

"So it was bullies who hurt you a few weeks ago?" Dream questioned.

"And it was them who made you self harm and had me find you in your room having a breakdown." Techno added. I nodded my head lightly. Wilbur just looked at me in a questioning way and held his arms out.

"No." I said to Wil. Everyone then looked at me kinda shocked.

"You fucking asked me that stupid question" I stated angrily.

Through my anger I felt the feeling of wanting to run. I wanted oh so desperately to run from all of my shitty problems.

Without much thought as the others started to bicker with Wilbur, I headed over to the window of my room.

I unlatched the previously locked window and opened it, sticking my head out and taking a deep breath. I then decided to step out of the window, my feet landing on the shingles of the roof.

I walked down a little bit and then sat down. The cold brisk nearing winter air running through my hair. I sat there on the roof just staring off into space. Nothing really clouding my mind except for an open obis that could be filled with sudden thoughts at any given moment.

I heard a voice come from my window which couch's my attention. I looked over and say Techno poking his head out.

"What are you doing out there Toms it's cold outside?" Techno questioned. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Just needed some fresh air. Wanna get the others out here?" I ask, and Techno nods. His head pops back into my room for a second before everyone starts to climb out my window one by one, including Niki and Eret who had both come back.

"You weren't planning on running away we're you Tommy?" Tubbo questions. I shook my head.

"I felt like i did for a little bit then i realized that the roof might be a good place to sit and chill." I answered. Everyone nodded and sat around me.

Techno had them pulled something I don't think i would have expected him to have out of his pocket. A vape.

I stared blankly at him for a second, watching as he took a hit from the vape pen and blew out the smoke. The scent has wafted over to me and I could smell the smell of fresh crisp apples and a hint of cinnamon.

Just then Wilbur spoke up. "Techno seriously?" Will asked. Techno shrugged. "You have one too and Tommy would have found out eventually." He said as he took another hit.

I looked over to Tubbo and Ranboo. "Did you two know about this?" I asked.

"I kind of figured because Dream does but I wasn't 100% sure and didn't want to make assumptions about that." Tubbo says.

I look over to Eret and Niki. "Yes we vape as well. Tubbo and Ranboo don't but that's because their siblings don't let them." Eret explained. I nodded my head, and looked back to the sky.

"You want to try one of ours Tommy?" Wilbur questioned. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Why not." I answered. Techno sighed and shook his head a bit. "Who's do you want to try?" He asked.

I though for a second. "What flavor does Wilbur have?" I asked. "Mine is flavored like coffee." Wilbur responded. I looked to Techno who laughed and handed me his vape pen.

Because of some mild experience I've had from past homes I was able to take a clean hit without coughing. I blew out the smoke and enjoyed the nice small haze that filled my brain for a second.

I passed the vape back to Techno who looked mildly shocked. "How were you able to do that so nicely?! When Techno first introduced me to vaping i coughed so much i almost threw up!" Wilbur said astonished. I laughed.

"Old homes, some forced us to do drugs and shit. But I never minded the vaping when some did let us do that. But once they figured out if you liked it they would take it away." I explained. Wilbur nodded along in a kind of understanding way.

"I might have an un opened peppermint one you can have." Techno states out of no where.

"Really?!" I question mildly excited.

"Yeah why not, BUT, you only get it if you don't self harm, and if you do I'm taking it for three days, got it?" He said, and I nodded.

"Well it's getting quite cold, why don't we all head inside?" Dream questioned.  Everyone nodded and one by one headed back through the window.

Once we were all inside my room we all sat back down and comfy to watch movies. Techno at one point had walked off to his room and come back with a box that he gave me. I opened the box to find the peppermint vape pen. I smiled and thanked him before we both went back to watching movies and enjoying our sleepover.

(Quick disclaimer: I don't actually vape or anything, and yes this is inspired by another author's work, and yes they gave me permission to do this as i did ask. Also i would like to state that i am not copying from them just taking inspiration  the only thing i think is the same is Wilbur's vape flavor because i feel like it fits him too much to be changed) {Currently in band rehearsal as I post this lmao}

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