-Chapter 15: Dads Turn to Discuss-

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Tw: mentioned blood stain, periods/menstrual cycle?, food, talk of self harm, vaping, I think that's all, as always let me know if there are any more!!

-Tommy POV-

It was the day after the sleepover. We had just said our goodbyes to everyone and me and my two awesome brothers were hanging out in my room.

"Can we go out to the roof?" I asked.

"You're really eager to try out that vape huh?" Techno questioned in a joking manner. I nodded my head. He and Wilbur laughed and stood up. I stood up as well and followed them to my window.

All three of us headed outside and sat down next to each other. I was the first one to take out my vape pen. I put the vape up to my mouth and yet again took a clean hit. As I blew out the smoke the smell of peppermint had surrounded us.

Techno and Wilbur had then each pulled out there own vapes and took clean hits of their own, Techno doing some cool trick he learned with the smoke. I took in a breath as a mildly familiar light haze filled my brain, while my sense of smell had filled with the light scent of coffee and apples.

"You doing okay dysphoria wise Toms?" Techno asked. I nodded my head before taking another hit, letting out the smoke seconds later.

"I'm okay, periods suck." I respond. Techno nods and takes another hit himself. Wilbur looks over at us.

"Seriously again? Gosh I love that you two are bonding but bleh talk about something else" Wilbur said in a joking tone.

"tommy, serious time for a second. Have you changed today?" Techno asked. I blushed lightly and shook my head taking taking hit of my vape. I blew out the smoke and looked over to Techno again.

"Okay this might sound a bit weird but stand up a turn around, I'm going to check if you have bled through your pants." Techno says. I blush hard and do as I was told.

"Whelp time to go inside, Will grab Tommy a new pair of pants and boxers I'm going to help him to the bathroom." Techno says as he starts pushing me towards the window. Wilbur follows us inside and me and Techno head over to the bathroom, while Wilbur heads to my closet to get me my clothes.

"Right so, take off your pants and hand them to me, I'll be outside to give you the extra clothes just wait a sec." Techno explains. I nod my head and Techno leaves the bathroom, closing the door. I take off my pants and open the door slightly handing them to techno, who then in turn gives me a new pair of pants and boxers.

"Put on the pad how you usually would and remember to change it tomorrow please." Techno says. I laugh lightly and take my clothes into the bathroom. Once I'm changed I make sure to take my vape from were I placed it on the counter, and headed back to my room.

"Where should I hide my vape?" I asked.

"Put it in your closet, Dad won't look there." Wilbur says. I nod my head and out my vape pen in a drawer in my closet.

I sit down on my floor and Wilbur and Techno join me. "I wonder if Dad will ever find out that we gave you a vape." Wilbur says. Me and Techno hum. "Want me to do a hot water bottle up for you or get you the heating pad?" Wil asks. "Heating pad please" I say softly as I lean my head onto Techno's shoulder. Techno reaches over to a bin and grabs my weighted blanket for me and lays it over us.

Wilbur comes back a short few minutes later with a heating pad that he plugs in and then hands to me. Wilbur then decides to join the cuddle pile on my floor. I slowly fall asleep to take a nap.

~After the nap: Techno POV~

All of us had fallen asleep at some point and woke up about two hours later. "M gonna go take a shower and then can we head back to the roof?" Tommy said.

"We could head out back instead, Dad is working right now in his office so we shouldn't get caught." Wilbur explained. I shrugged and Tommy headed off.

I went into my room and grabbed a book to read. Wilbur I think had gone into his room. I figured this because he started strumming a guitar. All i heard was the soft strumming of Wilbur's guitar while I read. I had sat there for a good thirty minutes before Tommy came into my room.

"Ready to go out back?" Tommy asked.

"Yup let's go." I responded.

We grabbed Wilbur and then headed out to the backyard. We climbed up the old sodden play set Dad had got me and Wil when we were kids, and sat in a circle.

Soon enough the three of us were talking again and takings hits of our vapes.

~20 minutes later: Philza POV{I think this is new??}~

I was looking around for my sons, seeing that none of them were in there rooms. I finished up my work and made them all some grilled cheese for lunch. I decided heading out back might be a good place to check.

I headed over to our back window and saw something I never thought I would see. All three of them VAPING?! I knew Wilbur and Techno did but Tommy? Behind my back?

I opened up the glass sliding door to confront them. "Boys!" I called out trying not to sound angry. All of them visibly stopped what they were doing, to stunned to speak.

"Come inside, I made lunch and we need to talk." I said. The three of them slowly got down from the old wooden play set and came inside.

I sat down there plates at the dining room table. The three of them were sat in the same side while I was sat on my own side.

"I am going to try not to loose my patience and yell at you because I am very upset at your actions." I stated.

"Dad w-" Wilbur started.

"Wilbur. I would like to do the talking first please." I said interrupting Wilbur. The three of them sat in front of me silently. Tommy looked almost scared.

"Tommy, I do not blame you for anything that I saw. I blame your older brothers. I'm going to assume that you got your vape from them." I said. Tommy nodded and put his vape on the table. He looked sad as he did it, as if I was going to take it away from him.

"I won't take your things Toms. You can have it. I understand that what you are going through isn't the best and I would like to hear from your brothers on why you got this. I won't take it from you but next time you two do something like this, don't hide it from me." I explained. Everyone nodded there heads and Techno spoke up.

"I gave him the vape. We were sat out on the roof at the sleepover and I took out mine and started to vape. Tommy asked if he could try and I told him he could. He seemed to like it and me and Wilbur didn't see to much of a problem with giving him the extra flavor I had as kk g as he promised not to self harm, and that if he does self harm he must come to one of us and tell us, and he will get it taken away for a few days." Techno explained.

"So you two are basically helping Tommy cope in a bit of a healthier way that hurting himself?" I questioned and the two elder boys nodded.

"Okay, we'll. I am going to be taking your capes for two days. Not Tommy's though because he doesn't have much to do with this-" I start explaining.

"No take mine too. I should have told you or J shouldn't have taken it from them. It's my fault as well i was the one who wanted to bake outside anyway." Tommy said defensively. I smiled a bit and nodded my head.

"The three of you won't have these for two days. And Tommy, how do you feel about going back to school for a little? You would only be in for a few weeks before you head out for winter break anyway." I said. Tommy shrugged.

"I'll go, when do we start again?" He asked.

"3 days. Also some rules with these, no vaping in your rooms and if you do open a window, no vaping in school, i would like to not be getting called by the principal about one of my sons doing that. And lastly, tell me if you are going to go outside to vape." I said. The three boys nodded and then started to eat there grilled cheeses, having light conversation with each other as well.

I smiled lightly at my sons before heading off to my office and putting there vapes in a drawer. I would pull them out in 2 days and give them back to the boys but for now they will stay there while i do some more work. 

A/n: not sure how i feel about this chapter but lmk what y'all think!!

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