-Chapter 9: Therapy Day-

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Tw: Therapist, razor blade mention, mentions of self harm and scars, ED, talking about past trauma,vomit

-Tommy POV-

I woke up the next morning in my bed. I am guessin that at some point in the middle of the night Techno or Phil had brought me upstairs and into my room.

Honestly I kind of wish that I didn't really wake up. Not in a bad way! I promise, I just don't really feel like discussing therapy and stuff today.

But I did as one does any other morning and got up and ready for the day. After I was fully dressed I headed down the stairs, only seeing that Techno was up.

"HelloTechno.." I mumbled. He waved lightly to me. "Come sit with me Tom's." He said. I nodded my head and Wales over to the couch, sitting down next to him.

"Would you like someone to b in the room with you as your talk?" He asked. I nodded my head. Truth be told I wanted Phil there. He was the only one who never really knew any of the shit I had went through. Plus everyone took my razor blades from me already.

I sat with Techno for a bit, just relaxing before Phil came down the stairs.

"Morning Tommy." Phil said calmly. I nodded my head and he smiled lightly. I wasn't feeling like talking too much today but I kne that at some point I would have to talk.

I walked over to the kitchen with Techno just as Wilbur started to walk down. We sat at the table waiting for Phil's "special" therapy day breakfast.

"Tom's you hungry or no?" Phil asked. Truth was that I was hungry but I don't want to eat anything right now. "No I'm not." I lied.

"That's complete bullshit Tommy" Techno said. "I can tell you ar lying from a mile away." He added. I lowered my head in expectation to get yelled at by one of them.

"Tommy go sit down at the table, try and eat, and then we talk to the therapist at 1" Phil said. I nodded my head sitting down at the table.

Everyon had been served food and I ate mine. "I'm going to my room to get ready." I said. Techno put his hand on my shoulder. "You suck at lying Theseus." He said deeply. I scoffed and threw his hand off of me heading up the stairs.

I grab a binder, short sleeve shirt, brown flannel, and some jeans. I hate spring for its stupid warm and cold weather days. Sucks for wanting to always wear hoodies and sweaters.

I headed to the bathroom with all of my clothes. I sat them on the sink and leaned my head over the toilet. I puked up the food mildly silently but still crying.

When i was done letting my breakfast back up, I started to change into my clothes for the day. I opened the door un expectant of anyone to be there only to bump into none other than Technoblade. I looked up at him with wide eyes.

"I-"He cut me off mid sentence. "Toms, why?" He asked softly. I could tell he was sorry for his outbreaks before. I just wrapped my arms around him and cried. Sobbed actually.

"Shhhh, I'm really sorry for what I said earlier but you are pretty shit at lying." He said laughing quietly. My sobbing stopped and i just clung to him and cried.

"Why don't we go and read until you have your appointment?" He suggested. I nodded my head lightly and he whipped my tear stained face as we headed into his bedroom.

I slowly snuggled up laying in his bed as he picked out a book. This one was called, Tails of Aphrodite. I stared at the book in aw. I was definitely excited.

We had sort of just finished read the book on Theseus and I was really hoping for another one. He sat down next to me and I switched myself to infront of him, laying my head down carelessly on his lap.

He slowly rubs his hand through my hair softly as I start to relax in his grasp. After about an hour or two of relaxing and reading Techno picked me up and took me to the bathroom.

"You should shower, I'm going to grab you some clothes from you room and then we are going to head out with Phil for your appointment and then after me and Wil want to take you shopping as a treat." He explained. I nodded tiredly and he left the bathroom closing the door, leaving it open barely a crack.

I turned on the shower and waited for the water to become steamy and hot. I took off my clothes and once the shower was hot enough i got in, letting the hot water droplets role over my bare bruised and scar covered skin.

The hot water burned and mildly stung but I liked the feel. It took away the stress from what i was going through.

I took some of the strawberry body wash that Phil got me and put some into my palm. I begun to scrub my whole body, trying to escape the dysphoria it brought.

When i had finished washing my body i turned the water a bit hotter before moving into my now strawberry blond hair. I grabbed my peach scented shampoo and scrubbed it into my scalp.

I heard the door crack open a bit and something being put onto the sink counter. "It's just me don't worry, there is a towel on the toilet by the way." Techno said.

I hummed in acknowledgment and went back to scrubbing the soap out of my hair. When i was done with that i grabbed the conditioner and washed that through my hair.

I had let the hot water run down my body a bit more before getting out of the shower. I wrapped a towel around my body and dried myself off before getting dressed and blow drying my hair dry.

Techno knocked on the door once he heard the hair dryer stop. "Are you dressed Toms?" He asked. "Yes" I quietly responded.

Techno opened the door and I walked into his arms. He lifted me up, shocking me a bit but none the less I was fine with it. We headed down the stairs and then into the car after Phil saw that all of us where ready. I sat in the middle again and fell asleep on Techno as Phil drove the car to the therapist office. Last thing i knew before drifting off was that Techno was petting my hair and talking to Phil as Wilbur lowered the music he was playing.

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