-Chapter 22: Valentines?-

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Tw: Food/ED

~Tommy POV~

I woke up as usual and started getting ready, as usual.

I threw on my classic red sweater, binder, khakis, and red converse. I headed downstairs and saw Dad pulling some things out of the fridge.

"Oh morning Toms! I'm working on some special valentines for your brothers and you, want to help with your brothers snacks?" Dad asked. I smiled, of course Valentine's Day was in a couple of days! Speaking of which I still had to ask Em to be my Valentine.

Me and dad started baking each of the older boy's favorite snacks. We started with some mini muffins and then moved onto making some chocolate bark and cookies. We put the baked goods into baskets and dad pulled out some extra bits he got and asked me to go into the dining room to arrange them.

Dad called down Techno and Wilbur to help make mine in the kitchen and then did come down.

All that was heard from the kitchen was clattering of dishes, Wilbur and Techno yelling at each other about who is doing what wrong, and Dad probably sitting back and watching while laughing. The laughing was definitely there.

I laughed to myself hearing how much fun they were having before going back to arranging the baskets. Once i had everything perfect i wrapped it up in the pretty clear wrapping paper and tied a bow. They looked perfect.

I hid the baskets in a closet downstairs and then headed back up to my room to prepare something for Tubbo, Ranboo, and Em.

I wrote each of them special note cards and gave them each a little special something that i had bought for them. I put each gift in little gift bags but then thought of something to buy Em.

She loves chocolate so much, I should get her one of those heart chocolate boxes.

I ran down the stairs (almost falling), and i got he living room where Techno was reading and Wilbur was tuning his guitar.

"Can you guys take me to the store I want to buy something!" I mildly screamed. Techno laughed and Wilbur stared.

"Who are you buying something for?" He questioned. My face went red.

"J-Just Tubbo and Ranboo?" I responded.

"Mhm sureeeee" Wilbur said teasingly. He got up and ruffled my hair before heading over to the door and throwing Techno his keys.

Techno closed his book, making sure to mark his page, and walked over to the door to put on his shoes. Once he had his shoes on he held the door for me and Wilbur to walk through.

"Dad we are going out to the store with Tommy!" He called out before leaving the house. When we all got in the car we buckled up and Techno pulled out of the driveway and started to drive to the store.

When we were finally at the store we walked in and I started to look by the valentines section for one of those heart candy boxes. I found one that had a little cat plush on it that I figured Em would like. I put it into my basket and looked for two candy things for Ranboo and Tubbo as well to make it actually believable that I was shopping for them and not my girlfriend who Wilbur and Techno know nothing about.

After i finished grabbing what I needed we all grouped back together and payed before leaving the store.

Once we finally got home I set up the last things i needed to set up in my gift bags before heading down for dinner.

~Timeskip: Valentine's Day💘💌~

I woke up and saw a gift basket with a couple of notes on my desk. I got out of bed and walked over to the basket, opening it up and reading the notes first.

"Hey Tommy! Happy Valentine's Day! We all love you so much and hope you have a special day! We had some special surprises for later but we are super excited to enjoy our first Valentine's Day with you! Love you lots- Dad, Wilby, and Tech" The note read.

I had almost teared up reading the note but I shook off the tears and got ready for the day. In the basket there was a strawberry cardigan and a white dress shirt. I put on the shirt and cardigan before grabbing some blue jeans from my closet.

I put on the full outfit along with my red converse and headed downstairs with my gift bags.

Dad greeted me in the kitchen and handed me a chocolate covered strawberry I gladly ate before we all piled into Techno's car to head to school.

Today my first class was art which was great and I really lucked out because then i could finally ask Em! I got walked to my class and then said a goodbye to the other two before heading into class.

I ran over to Tubbo and Ranboo first and we all swapped gifts. They each got me a small keychain and some candy and we all enjoyed our gifts. I headed over to Em next.

"Hey you!" She said happily as she pulled a gift box out of her bag. I smiled at her.

We both handed each other our gifts and opened them at the same time.

"Oh my god I love it!" Em said as she looked through everything I got for her.

"I love it to!" I said. We gave each other a hug before I looked at her.

"Em will you be my valentine?" I asked. She looked at me with a huge smile on her face.

"Damn it you beat me to it! Of course I will pretty boy." She said before pecking my cheek lightly. I blushed and we sat down in our seats as class had started.

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