-Chapter 2: Comfort-

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(Tw: Eating disorder, vomit, food, cussing.panic attack)

-Tommy POV-

Me and techno had just started to head down the stairs and into the dining room. When we got down we saw some pizza. Fuck greasy food is my worst nightmare when it comes to food. We sat down at the table. Phil was sat next to Techno and I was next to Wilbur. Everyone had two slices on their plates accept for me. I had one. Everyone started to eat and so did I slowly. The voices in my head kept on yelling at me to throw up the food right that second but I decided I would eat at least half the pizza slice before excusing myself to my room. Well i had finished the half of the pizza slice. "H-hey Phil?.."I mumbled out loud enough for him to hear. "Yes Teagan?" He replied. "May I be excused to my room please?" I asked quietly. He nodded his head yes and I sort of rushed up the stairs. I headed into the bathroom.

I sat on the floor of the bathroom, my head over the toilet as I shoved two fingers into my mouth and practically down my throat to make myself puke. It worked and I had basically sat there throwing up all of what I ate as I sobbed a bit thinking about how messed up I was because of all of the mother fuckers at old homes being dick wads to me. I guess someone heard me because I heard someone knocking on the door. My sobs became louder as I curled up in the corner shaking and thinking about how much trouble I would be in. I heard someone picking the lock of the door and the door slamming open. I shielded my face with my arms. "Oh Teagan..."I heard Phil say. His voice was soft, and calm. Techno rushed past him and knelt down to me pulling me into his lap. "He Teagan you wanna go continue that book? We won't hurt you ok we want you to be safe, we love you."Technos words, though said through a deep monotone voice sounded comforting. I nodded my head as I latched onto him still sniffling from the crying. I heard the toilet flush just as me and Techno entered his room and continued to read the third chapter of his book. I didn't even relive I was tired until my eyes began to droop closed and the world around me went dark as I entered a for once peaceful sleep.

~Next Day~

I woke up in Technos grasp. I yawned as I opened my eyes. "Morning Tea."Techno said. "Morning.."I mumbled. I got up and headed over to the bathroom. Techno fallowed behind. "Uhm..Techno?" I said. He just hummed in response. I shrugged it off and headed into the bathroom. Once I was in I noticed something on my pants. Oh fuck why now. I thought to myself. I knew that Techno was still there waiting by the door. Well this will be embarrassing. "H-hey Tech..."I stuttered out. "Yes?"He answered. "D-do you know if Phil has any feminine products.."I had sort of mumbled the last part. "May I come in?"He asked. I opened the door for him to come in. He started to look through the bottom cabinet. He handed me a pack of pads. "This your first time or no?" I nodded my head a bit embarrassed to say. "Alright we'll I'm going to let you in on a small secret ok?"He said. I nodded my head. "I happen to be female to male trans."I stared at him wide eyed. He laughed a bit. "Go grab a new pair of underwear from you room I will show you what to do, then I wanna talk a bit when you get back."I nodded and went over to my room. It wasn't exactly my first time on my period it was just the first time that someone cared enough to get supplies even if it most likely wasn't directed for me. I had never really had anyone to teach me the gist of it and for most of the homes I was in I had a closet as a bedroom so I would usually just try and sit through it.

I came back to the bathroom with Techno. And looked at him. My face was already super flushed from being embarrassed. He showed me how to put the pad in the underwear and then told me it might be a bit weird but also to change it at least every four hours or less. I nodded my head after his explanation. He exited quickly and I heard his footsteps walk away. I had put on the underwear and then heard footsteps walking back to the door. I got nervous a bit. "Hey it's me again I brought you some sweatpants." I mentally sighed at the fact that it was Techno and let him in. He gave me the pants as he looked away as I put them on.

"Alright now I wanna ask, are you trans Teagan?" His question shocked me but I felt like I could trust him as he was as well. I nodded my head. "How'd you know.."I asked. "You ackted the same way I did plus you cringe a lot when we call you Teagan." I nodded my head but also hoped that the others didn't notice. "Anyway name and pronoun's?" He asked. "My name is Tommy and my pronouns are He/Him or He/They."I stated. He nodded his head and took my hand pulling me into his bedroom again. He sat me on his bed that was stripped  of the sheets. Oops-. I mentally facepalmed at that. He began to dig through his closet and eventually stoped pulling out a box. The box had what looked to be a bunch of old yet clean binders? "These used to me mine but you can have them now, I was planning on donating them or something but I think you could use them fine. Also do NOT and I mean do NOT over bind, meaning don't bind for over 8 hours got that?"He stated. I nodded my head at his stern yet calm tone. He smiled gently and we took the box to my room shoving it into the back of my closet. "Phil said he wanted to take you shopping but I'll just tell him you don't feel well, 'Kay Toms?" I hugged him tightly as I nodded my head and thanked him. That's was the first time in a long time that someone has used my real name. I was over the roof. I smiled brightly as I pulled away from the hug. The rest of the day me and Techno talked and got closer. He also recut my hair a bit shorter as well so that was fun.

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